Chapter 35

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"Clarissa! Clarissa wake up!" Hope yells shaking me.
"Ugh what's going on?" I groan as I open my eyes to see Cody covered in dirt and Kalian covered in blood.
"Drew's outside fighting right now! We've got to do something," Hope admits as I jump out of bed and look to see Ashton standing in the doorway.
"Kalian, Cody are you guys okay?" I ask and they both nod.
"Jaxton, Rowan, and Shannon are with him," Ashton admits when I hear someone scream.
"That's Alexa!" I yell as I rush out of the room pushing past Ashton.
"Clarissa wait!" Hope yells but she doesn't chase after me.
"Let her go you bastard!" Chase growls and Alexa whimpers. When I finally make it to them I see someone holding Alexa.
"Clarissa thank god!" Chase yells as I stand facing the guy holding Alexa, and I growl glaring him down.
"Let her go, or I'll kill you," I warn, and he growls back.
"No way! You'll kill me even if I let her go!" He yells and I smile slightly.
"Alright then. I might as well just kill you," I admit as I rush forward and our of fear he lets go of Alexa and starts running.
"I don't like my prey running!" I growl as I reach him and tackle him to the ground.
"No please! Please let me go!" He begs and I lick my lips.
"You can't live. I'm sorry," I admit when I grab his neck and quickly snap it before getting up off his body turning to face Chase, and Alexa.
"Thanks Clarissa," Alexa smiles and I smile back.
"Anything for my best friend," I admit as I quickly leave the room and head outside finding Drew, Rowan, and Shannon fighting.
"I don't know what we should do," Kalian says as he and Cody appear by my side.
"We fight until we get rid of them. All of them," I growl as we all rush forward and start attacking. After Drew finishes up the last one we are now covered in blood, out of breath.
"So what did you and Drew go talk about which is apparently a secret?" Rowan asks when he approaches me.
"Don't tell anyone else. Not yet anyways," I say and Rowan smiles patting my shoulder.
"We got engaged," I whisper in his ear before I pull back and look at his shocked face.
"No way?!" Rowan announces, and I chuckle.
"I'm serious. Just promise not to tell anyone else," I smile nudging his arm and he sighs.
"Fine I promise you," Rowan admits as we join Drew and the others.
"Has anyone seen Alexander?" Cody asks and Drew sighs.
"He's probably out doing his own thing," Drew admits and Jaxton chuckles.
"Ah just leave him. If he's not getting into trouble. I think he'll be fine," Jaxton says and Shannon groans.
"I'm tired. Can I go back to bed?" She asks and Drew nods.
"Yes, and thank you for your help," Drew says and Shannon yawns.
"You're welcome," Shannon says as she heads to the house while we all stand outside staring at each other awkwardly.
"Drew and Clarissa are engaged!" Rowan blurts out and I instantly turn to him wide eyed.
"Rowan oh my god!" I groan as I slap my forehead and Drew sighs.
"It was going to get out sooner or later Clarissa," Drew admits as I look up seeing them all smiling.
"Congratulations you two, that's amazing news," Ashton smiles and I softly smile back.
"Now how about we get some food?" Jaxton asks right when Cody's stomach growls.
"Yes I'm freaking starved!" Cody announces making us all chuckle as we head towards the house.

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