Chapter 23

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When we finally get back on the road while I drive the Ferrari Clarissa opens her window and sticks her head out I guess feeling the wind flow through her hair.
"Do you sense anyone behind us?" I ask as Clarissa pulls her head back into the car and smiles.
"I haven't sensed anyone for miles. God I love this Ferrari," Clarissa admits making me chuckle.
"You want to test it out?" I ask and she sighs.
"I'd love to, but I can't risk it when you can't change because you're carrying a child," Clarissa admits as I speed up some more.
"What the hell?" I groan when Clarissa quickly spins around growling.
"Incoming! Speed up Charity!" Clarissa yells as I press on the gas pedal harder and we start moving a lot faster leaving Darwin's men behind us in the dust.
"Do you still sense them?" I ask and she growls.
"Yes and they're speeding up!" Clarissa growls again.
"What?" I ask growling and when I glance in the rearview mirror they are gaining on us.
"Speed up Charity or I'm going to have to jump out of this car!" Clarissa growls as I press on the gas pedal harder but they keep up with our speed.
"I can't go any faster!" I admit.
"Yes you can! Hurry up!" Clarissa growls. I press on the gas pedal even harder as the Ferrari decides to finally speed up while Darwin's men start speeding up as well. When they finally approach the side of the Ferrari they try ramming it off the road.
"Don't let them ram us off the road!" Clarissa growls when I swerve out of their way when they try ramming us a second time. When their car finally gets in the right position and knocks really hard into the side of the Ferrari I quickly lose control driving off the road and into a ditch while it flips Clarissa ends up flying out of the car.
"Charity!!!" Clarissa screams when the car finally stops moving and I groan in pain touching my head finding that I'm bleeding.
"Charity we need to get out of here," Carla growls.
"Carla I need help getting this seatbelt off," I admit and that's when I feel she has given me some off her strength so I quickly pull the seatbelt off crawling out of the Ferrari.
"Charity we need to get you somewhere safe," Carla says when I stand up seeing Clarissa fighting the guys off.
"I can't leave Clarissa!" I growl.
"You'll get yourself killed if we don't leave, and plus Clarissa will find us. She always does," Carla admits when Clarissa gets punched in the gut making her fall to the ground.
"Please Carla she's my baby sister!" I admit tears welling up in my eyes.
"I know that Charity, but if you don't want to be killed along with your unborn child then I suggest we leave," Carla says.
"Fine but if she doesn't come back I will kill every single man that works for Darwin," I admit.
"And I've got your back. Now let's go," Carla says as I turn my back on Clarissa and I run.

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