Chapter 6

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"We're here," Drew says as he stops the Cadillac Escalade shutting it off.
"Wow. It's huge," I announce as he chuckles getting out of his side shutting the door, and walking over to my side.
"This is going to go amazing!!!" Lexis squeals as he opens the door for me, and I get out while he shuts the door locking the car.
"Here take my hand I don't want to lose you in here," Drew says as he grabs my hand while we walk hand in hand inside.
"Uh..why is it called Chase's Bar?" I ask Drew, and he smiles.
"It's not actually a bar Clarissa. It's a restaurant. The owner just thought the name was cool," Drew says as we enter the restaurant, and it's packed full of people everywhere.
"Hi how may I help you?" A younger lady asks us.
"We'd like a booth in the farthest corner alone from all the people," Drew says as the lady smiles.
"Sure right this way," The lady says as she leads us to the far back as we sit down.
"Thank you," Drew smiles politely.
"You're waiter will be with you shortly," The lady smiles as she departs while we sit alone together.
"You're making it awkward Clarissa! Make conversation with him!" Lexis says as I sigh.
"So what food is good?" I ask Drew, as he cracks a smile.
"Everything is amazing here, but the steak is the best," Drew says.
"Nice to know," I reply as he chuckles, and I look up at him a tint of pink creeping onto my cheeks.
"I'm kidding I'm kidding! Everything is the best. Get anything you want," Drew smiles at me as I blush harder.
"Ok, but I don't know what I want," I admit.
"Ok then get what I'm getting," Drew says right as the waiter appears to take our orders.
"What would you two like to order?" The waiter asks.
"We'll both have the steak, with mashed potatoes, and green beans," Drew says as he hands the waiter back the menus as he smiles at us then quickly leaves.
"Drew my boy!" I hear a guy call him as we look over and see him coming towards the table.
"Hey Chase!" Drew says as he gets up from the table to hug Chase. Finally they let go as Drew sits back down, and Chase sits down beside him.
"Hi, I'm Clarissa," I smile.
"I'm Chase. Drew's cousin," Chase smiles warmly back at me.
"So how's the restaurant holding up?" Drew asks Chase.
"It's doing ok. I might have to sell it soon though," Chase admits.
"What! Why?" Drew gasps.
"I'm not making enough money to pay the bills on this place after my old man died on me," Chase says.
"I could give you some money. It doesn't bother me," Drew says.
"No way Drew. You're Father would kill you then me. I'll figure it out on my own," Chase says.
"I could get a job here if you want?" I ask as Chase, and Drew both turn their attention towards me.
"You'd do that?" Chase asks a smile appearing on his face.
"Yea. I wouldn't mind having a job. I need to make a little money anyways," I say.
"You're hired!" Chase smiles grabbing my hand.
"Thanks!" I smile.
"No. Thank you," Chase smiles.

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