Chapter 33

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After slowly getting dressed I open the bedroom door open seeing Drew waiting for me.
"You want to go for a walk with me?" Drew asks extending a hand out and I stand there unsure of what I should do.
"A walk would do us both some good," Lexis says and I sigh as I grab Drew's hand and he leads me downstairs and out the back door to the woods.
"Where are we going?" I ask as Drew just continues leading me.
"Somewhere special. You'll love it," Drew admits and after awhile of walking we finally arrive and he lets go of my hand, and spins around facing me.
"What is this place?" I ask looking around up at the fairy lights and vines wrapping around the trees that are lined up in a straight line that leads right up to a large dancing circle.
"It's where my Father would bring my Mother all the time," Drew admits as he walks towards a tree and slowly touches it.
"But whys it so decorated like this?" I ask as I slowly walk towards the large dancing circle and touch one of the poles holding it up.
"This is also where he proposed to her," Drew says walking up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.
"Really?" I softly asks and he nods.
"Yes, and then he showed me this place before he died, and told me all the stories," Drew softly says as he pulls away from me and steps inside.
"It's amazing," I admit and Drew smiles softly at me.
"I'm glad you love it," Drew says as I step inside and spin around once. After spinning I stop and see that Drew is down on one knee, and that he is holding a black box in front of me.
"Oh my god," I whisper as I gasp taking a step back away from him, and he chuckles at my reaction.
"He also told me to propose to you here," Drew admits as tears well up in my eyes.
"He did?" I ask and Drew nods.
"So Clarissa Reed, I stand before you as your mate, and your best friend. Life before you was nothing, and once you were brought into my life you have given me so much hope, joy, happiness, and some sorrow, but that's part of life. So I ask will you do the honor of becoming my wife?" Drew asks and I stand there shocked not knowing what to say.
"SAY YES YOU IDIOT!" Lexis yells as I step forward and pull him up off the ground and in for a hug.
"Yes! Yes I will marry you Drew," I admit as he squeezes me tightly.
"You don't know happy this makes me," Drew admits as he pulls back and I put my hand out as he pushes the diamond ring onto my finger.

"Oh it's so beautiful," I sigh and he smiles

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"Oh it's so beautiful," I sigh and he smiles.
"For the most beautiful girl in my life. You deserve the best Clarissa," Drew says as he kisses my cheek.
"You make me the happiest woman ever Drew," I admit making him chuckle as we start heading back to the house.
"I'm glad," Drew sighs as I continue looking at the ring.
"Shouldn't we tell everyone else?" I ask and Drew rolls his eyes.
"Nope! Let them figure it out themselves," Drew says and I look up at him weirdly.
"But that's so mean," I admit and Drew chuckles.
"But there's no fun in it if they don't try and figure it out," Drew says and I sigh. I guess he's right, there's no fun in it if we don't screw around with them.
"Ok fine. I guess we can screw around with them for a little while," I chuckle and Drew smiles at me.
"That's what I like to hear," Drew admits as we finally arrive back at the house, and when we enter we find all of his siblings waiting for us.

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