Chapter 3

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After school ended I ran all the way back home.
"What is with you running today?" Lexis asks me. Once I got home I went inside seeing my dad cleaning the house. I set my bag on the floor by the front door helping my dad clean the house. After what seemed like forever we finished cleaning up everything so I grabbed my bag as I headed upstairs setting the bag on the floor going, and taking a shower while my dad takes a shower downstairs. After I finished taking a shower I blow dried my golden blonde hair. Once I finished with that I grabbed a black strapless ruffled dress down to my thighs dropping the towel to the floor slipping the dress on. After I brushed my golden blonde hair I slipped on some black sandals finishing off my look as I headed back downstairs. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs my dad was wearing a black suit with a black tie as seeing he already let the guests in while they sit in the living room, and he was talking to them.
"Woah. I didn't know they were going to be guy guests," Lexis says and I can imagine her smirking at me wiggling her eyebrows up, and down. I walk into the living room as all of their attentions come to me as I sit down right by my father.
"Hello young lady. May I ask you're name?" The older man asks.
"My name is Clarissa sir," I reply.
"Oh call me Alpha Jim. This is my son Drew," Alpha Jim says pointing over at the younger boy with the dark spiky brown hair that almost looked black, with his perfect tan skin, and gorgeous dark brown eyes. Wow.
"It's nice to meet you Clarissa," Drew smiles.
"It's nice to meet you too Drew," I smile warmly back at him.
"As I was explaining to you're father is that I wanted to meet with him just to get to know him, and his family," Alpha Jim says.
"What pack are you from Alpha Jim?" I ask.
"The Waterlake pack," Alpha Jim says.
"Would you care to join us for some dinner?" Dad asks Alpha Jim.
"Sure. We'd love to," Alpha Jim smiles as we head to the kitchen. Once we've all sat down at the table I'm across from Drew, and my dad is across from Alpha Jim. As I eat my dinner I try not making any eyes contact with Drew or Alpha Jim.
"Talk to him Clarissa!" Lexis yells at me.

Drew's POV
Dev my wolf just keeps telling me constantly to talk to Clarissa, but I keep refusing. Because he's annoying the crap out of me. The odd thing was that Clarissa had this one smell to her, and it smelled like a dozen of roses.
"Clarissa?" I ask.
"Yes?" Clarissa looks up from her food as I see her beautiful light green eyes.
"Did you cook the food?" I ask.
"Yes. I hope you like it. It was my moms recipe," Clarissa admits as I smile.
"It's amazing. Thanks," I admit.

Clarissa's POV
While we all ate the food Drew kept locking eyes with me every few minutes. I'm surprised my father hasn't noticed yet. He would be really pissed. It gave me butterflies every time our eyes locked it made me happy.
"Father may I be excused?" I ask politely.
"Yes you may, but hurry back," Dad says as I get up from the table heading upstairs. I shut my door quietly behind me as I grab the spare phone Alexa gave me, and I search through the messages finding Charity's number as I press messages.
(Clarissa) "Hey Charity. Just wanted to say I miss you so much, and I love you. Come home soon," I send the message shutting the phone off shoving it under my pillow as I head back downstairs. Once I get downstairs I walk into the kitchen sitting down my face flushed because I'm embarrassed.

Charity's POV
My phone buzzes as I groan reaching for it, and instead of getting it I miss, and fall off my bed making a loud thud as my eyes shoot open as I grab my phone reading the text.
(Clarissa) "Hey Charity. Just wanted to say I miss you so much, and I love you. Come home soon," I read Clarissa's message sighing so I reply to her message.
(Charity) Hey Clarissa I miss you as well! I'll be visiting soon so don't worry. Tell dad I said hi!" I send as I set my phone my back on the bedside table.
"Hey babe what's up?" Tyler asks me as I crawl back up into the bed.
"Nothing's wrong. Everything is fine," I admit laying back down.
"Alright, just making sure," Tyler says as we fall back asleep.

Clarissa's POV
"That was a nice dinner. Thank you for having us over Derek," Alpha Jim says.
"I was glad to have you both over. Thank you for this lovely night," Dad smiles which he rarely does.
"Bye Clarissa," Drew mind links me smiling.
"Bye Drew," I smile back mind linking him as he, and Alpha Jim leaves while dad shuts the door after them.

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