Chapter 10

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"Will you two stop rubbing each other's noses together. Its really annoying," Drew groans as Chase, and Alexa stop to chuckle.
"Mom," I sigh rubbing my arms as I look out the window.
"Hey you ok?" Drew asks me setting his hand on my back comforting me.
"I guess. Just want Darwin to go away so I can back home," I admit as Drew puts his arm around my waist pulling me in for a side hug to keep me warm.
"It'll be ok Clarissa. I'll keep you safe. No one will hurt you. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you," Drew says.
"I hate being stuck in a room with three other people," Alexa whines as I sigh still looking out the window.
"Hey Clarissa?" Drew asks me.
"Yes what's up?" I ask.
"You want to go, and walk around?" Drew asks me.
"Sure. Sounds fun. We'll be back guys," I say as me, and Drew leave the room heading outside.
"It's so nice out here. My mom used to love flowers," I smile as we walk around Drew's arm still protectively around my waist.
"Is she you're mate Waterlake?" A guy ask Drew.
"Screw off Zachary," Drew growls, but Zachary doesn't move.
"Is she you're mate or what?" Zachary asks pissing Drew off.
"I said leave. I won't hold back Zachary," Drew continues growling.
"I want to know if she's you're mate or not. That's all," Zachary says.
"Why would I tell you anything? All you do is run you're mouth to everyone about gibberish," Drew replies making Zachary growl.
"Tell me now!" Zachary growls making Drew smile.
"No," Drew replies calmly.
"Go away your being pest, and it's very annoying," I admit.
"How dare you call me a pest!" Zachary growls.
"Because I feel like it. Now me, and Drew should be off. Good day," I wave as we walk off to look around a little more.
"Sorry about Zachary," Drew apologizes.
"It's fine," I smile.
"Clarissa?" Drew asks as we stop, and I turn looking at him.
"What's wrong Drew?" I ask worried.
"Nothing's wrong it's just that...well," Drew stutters as I furrow my eyebrows.
"Something is on you're mind Drew. What is it? You can tell me," I say as his eyes lock with mine.
"It's hard to explain," Drew says right as a group of boys come running pulling Drew in for a group hug.
"What the?" I mumble.
"Guys! I haven't seen you all in forever!! How have you all been?" Drew asks as they all pull back smiling at each other.
"We all missed you too Drew," One says.
"Kalian shut up," Another growls.
"Make me Rowan," Kalian growls back.
"Who's this Drew?" One asks pointing at me.
"Oh guys! This is Clarissa," Drew says introducing me.
"I'm Kalian nice to meet you," Kalian smiles warmly at me.
"Cody is the name! Welcome to the Waterlake pack," Cody announces.
"I'm Rowan, and this is Jaxton my twin brother," Rowan says.
"I'm Alexander. Glad to see my brother is finally happy," Alexander says, and I instantly blush.
"Last but not least I'm Ashton. You are gorgeous Clarissa," Ashton smirks.
"You're forgetting someone," A girl says as she joins us.
"Hope! I've missed you," Drew says as she rolls her eyes.
"Yea right. I doubt that," Hope says.
"Hope this is Clarissa," Drew says introducing me.
"Hi. I'm Hope," Hope says.
"So when did you all arrive back?" Drew asks.
"Guys!!" I hear Chase yell as he runs outside with Alexa.
"We arrived back yesterday," Ashton replies.
"Well I'm glad you're all finally back," Drew smiles.
"So who are all of them Drew?" I blurt out.
"They are my siblings," Drew says as my eyes widen.
"Woah. You have a lot of siblings," I reply.
"We get that all the time. Don't be shy to ask questions. We'll all be inside if you want to talk to anyone of us," Alexander says as they all grab their bags walking back to the house.
"Sorry about that. I just missed them all so much. It's been forever since I've seen them," Drew admits as we walk back to the house with Chase, and Alexa.
"So when did they get back?" Chase asks Drew.
"Yesterday," Drew replies.
"All his siblings are cute. I mean the guy siblings," Alexa says as I chuckle swinging my arm over her shoulder.

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