Chapter 27

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Shannon quickly finds a car finally, then she picks the lock and unlocks the whole car as we all get inside waiting for her to jump start it.
"Hurry up Shan. We've got to get going," Ashton says when the car starts up and Shannon smiles.
"You just got to have faith in me, big brother," Shannon says as she pulls the car out of park and zooms off down the road back to the pack house while I sit in the back with Ashton, quietly looking out the window, tears sliding down my cheeks.
"What are we going to do?" I ask watching as trees disappear quickly by the car since we are speeding down the road.
"We kick his ass! That's what we fucking do!" Lexis growls and I sniffle catching Ashton's attention.
"It'll all be ok Clarissa, we'll find him and kill him, and make sure he never comes back," Ashton says, and I turn to him tears staining my cheeks.
"He'll always come back," I whisper admitting.
"I promise you Clarissa, I won't let him come back after this," Ashton growls pulling me over to him as I lay my head down on his shoulder softly crying myself to sleep.
"Should we wake her?" A guy asks.
"We probably should," Shannon admits.
"Clarissa?" A voice softly asks and I slowly open my eyes to see Drew watching me.
"Oh Drew," I whimper as I quickly hop out of the car and into his arms, tears sliding down my cheeks once again.
"Clarissa I missed you so much. I thought you were never going to come back," Drew admits smelling my scent, and holding me tightly.
"Darwin is back," I admit whispering making him pull back and look at me with a serious look.
"Are you sure?" Drew asks.
"Yes I'm positive, and he's coming to kill everyone I love, in five days," I admit and Drew sighs looking over at Shannon.
"I promise I'll talk with you, but could I talk with Shannon for awhile?" Drew asks and nod wiping away my tears.
"Go ahead, I won't keep you from your sister," I say and he takes Shannon and they head inside, when I see Alexa running towards me, and Chase right behind her.
"Clarissa oh my god!" Alexa screams when she reaches me and pulls me in for a hug tightly holding me.
"I'm sorry Alexa, I'm so sorry," I apologize when I hear her whimper.
"Don't ever leave me like that again. I thought I fucking lost you for good," Alexa admits pulling back and sighs looking at me to make sure I'm ok.
"I'm fine I promise you," I admit when Chase smiles at me.
"Glad to have you back Reed," Chase admits when I slowly look around for Charity, but I don't see her anywhere.
"Where's Charity?" I ask Alexa turning back and looking at her.
"She's sleeping in one of the guest rooms since she was super exhausted. You gotta know how being pregnant is," Alexa says and I nod.
"Being sleepy half the time," I say and Chase chuckles.
"Where's all of Drew's brothers and Hope?" I ask and Chase sighs.
"They're all in Drew's office with Shannon, having a chat," Chase admits looking up at the window where Drew's office is located.
"I hope everything goes ok," I sigh.
"It'll all be ok. Shannon is tough, and whatever Drew tells her she'll have to abide by it," Chase admits making me shiver.
"I'm probably going to head inside and get some sleep," I admit and Alexa whimpers, not wanting me to go.
"Don't disappear on me again. You hear me?" Alexa asks and I chuckle.
"Yes I got you loud and clear Alexa," I admit as I walk away from them heading towards the house.
"That asshole will get what's coming for him," Lexis admits growling.
"We'll kill him together and make sure he never ever fucking comes back," I growl agreeing with lexis, balling my hands up into fists, heading into the house and up to a guest bedroom to lay down and get some rest.
"Tomorrow, we hunt, and we don't stop until we find Darwin," Lexis growls.
"Fine by me," I growl again before I lay down and pass out from exhaustion.

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