Chapter 14

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"He what?" Drew asks me growling.
"My dad abuses me," I say when tears well up in my eyes.
"Why would he be doing that?" Drew asks still angry.
"He just started abusing me a few months after my moms death," I answer tears now sliding down my cheeks.
"Father we need you," Drew says while Alpha Jim walks towards us seeing me crying.
"What's wrong son?" Jim asks.
"Clarissa just told me that her father has been abusing her," Drew says while I try to stop crying, but instead they keep coming.
"Clarissa lets go now!" Dad yells as we talk to Alpha Jim.
"Why don't you leave her alone, and never come back," Alexander growls.
"Get out of here," Dad growls at Alexander.
"Don't tell my brother what to do," Cody growls.
"Why don't you go, and cry to you're little mate about me because you aren't going to do anything," Dad growls at Cody.
"First off he doesn't have a mate yet, and I don't think you should be threatening my little bro," Ashton says backing Cody up.
"Will you all quit it! I will not deal with boy drama in my house," Luna Meredith growls joining us all in the doorway.
"Mother!" All the boys announce bowing before her.
"There's no need for that my children," Meredith says as they all lean back up.
"It'll be ok Clarissa. I'll protect you," Drew says as he pulls me in for a hug while I cry on his shoulder soaking his shirt with my tears.
"What's going on?" Meredith asks Jim.
"That man who calls himself Clarissa's father is abusing her," Jim growls.
"Get on, and leave. Clarissa doesn't need you," Kalian growls at my Dad.
"She's my daughter not yours!" Dad yells making me whimper.
"I'll take Clarissa back to your room Drew. Just go on, and take care of him," Jim says as he lays his hand on my back as we walk back to me, and Drew's room.
"Will you be ok Clarissa?" Jim asks me while I sit down on the bed letting my tears drop onto my jeans.
"I don't think I ever will. He'll always be after me even it isn't him physically," I sniffle.
"What do you mean?" Jim asks me confused at what I'm talking about.
"He hired Darwin," I spit out.
"Darwin is after you because you're father told him to?" Jim asks me.
"Yes, and that means I'll never be safe," I sigh right when the glass window shatters behind us five men jumping in.
"We have come for you Miss Clarissa," The one with the Russian accent says.
"No! I'm not going with you!" I growl.
"Then we'll force you," Another growls as Jim gets in front of me growling at them.
"Run Clarissa!" Jim yells at me, but I refuse to move.
"I'm won't leave you!" I yell back.
"Now Clarissa! I won't repeat myself!" Jim growls as I dart off running down the hall. When I reach the stairs I find Drew standing down there with all his brothers.
"Drew!!! You're dad is in trouble!" I yell catching of their attentions, and they all run up the stairs, and down to our room to help him, but what I didn't know was that he was already dead by the time they got to him.

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