Chapter 26

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While Ashton and Shannon were talking, me and Charity hung out staring up at the sunny sky, sitting under a shaded tree.
"I miss Tyler," Charity admits and Lexis whimpers.
"I know me too," I admit leaning up and looking at her.
"It's just everything has gone by so fast," Charity sighs when she leans up as well locking her eyes with mine.
"You can say that again," I sigh running a hand through my hair.
"You need to go back home Rissa," Charity admits and I growl.
"Hell no! That's not happening," I yell standing up abruptly and Charity quickly gets up too.
"Drew needs you! Alexa, and Brielle are there! You need to go home and be with the family you'll be with for the rest of your life," Charity says and I chuckle.
"You don't get it do you?" I ask and Charity furrows her eyebrows.
"What do you mean by that?" Charity asks and I growl.
"You're my fucking sister by blood! They're not my blood related family! You are the only blood related family I have left, and if I fucking lose you then I don't know what I'd do!" I yell tears welling up in her eyes.
"You can't protect me for the rest of my life! You need to move on and go back to Drew!" Charity growls, and that's when a large wolf lunges out from behind us and I run out in front of Charity blocking her.
"Clarissa!!!" Charity screams when the wolf ends up throwing his paw at me slicing me right open.
"Charity stand back!" I hear Ashton yell as I see Shannon pulling her back and I fall onto the soft green grass while Ashton phases, facing off towards the wolf.
"Let me go! I need to get to Clarissa!!" Charity screams while Shannon holds her tightly to make sure she doesn't come towards where I'm laying.
"Get up!!" Lexis growls as I lay on the ground blood seeping into my white shirt.
"I want mom," I admit as Lexis try's taking control but she can't because I'm to weak.
"Please get up!" Lexis yells and I groan as I push up from the ground slowly pain shooting through my chest.
"Clarissa!!" Charity screams as Shannon's eyes gape open at the sight of seeing me getting up.
"That hurt!!" I growl loud enough making the wolf jump back from Ashton, his large eyes locking with my small ones.
"You should've died!" He growls and I sigh rolling my eyes.
"You'll be the one who dies today!" I yell as I quickly phase charging towards him.
"He still lives!" He yells when I instantly stop in my tracks and phase back falling to the ground.
"Darwin?" I ask and the wolf nods.
"Yes, he still lives, and he's going to kill all your loved ones," He admits and I growl.
"Your lying!" I scream as he laughs.
"You don't have to believe me, but in five days, all your loved ones will be killed," He says right before Ashton bites down right onto his neck killing him.
"Charity," I say as she runs over to me pulling me in for a hug.
"What's wrong?" Charity asks as I sit on the ground frozen in place.
"It's Darwin. Darwin isn't dead," I whisper in her ear when she pulls back from me, horror in her eyes.
"How?" Charity asks.
"We need to go back. I have five days before he goes and kills everyone I love," I admit looking her straight in the eyes.
"Ashton! Shannon!" Charity yells as they make their way over to us when she stands up facing them.
"What's going on Charity?" Ashton asks as tears well up in her eyes.
"Darwin is still alive, and in five days he'll kill everyone Clarissa loves if we don't make it back home in time," Charity admits her voice shaky.
"We better get going then," Shannon says as I sit there on the ground remembering everything he's done to me.
"We might need to get a car, because I don't think Clarissa will run and Charity clearly can't phase," Ashton says and Shannon nods.
"I'll go steal one," Shannon says and Ashton looks at her like she's crazy.
"We all need to go with you," Ashton says as he picks me up off the ground carrying me.
"It'll be ok Clarissa. I'll kill that bastard that ruined your life," Charity growls touching my face softly.

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