Chapter 36

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"Oh pizza you were so needed," Cody admits taking a large bite of pizza.
"How's your pizza?" Drew asks as I sigh looking down at my plate seeing my uneaten piece of pizza, going cold.
"I'm not really hungry," I admit and Drew wraps his arm around my waist.
"You should at least eat," Ashton says and I sigh shivering.
"No I'm okay," I lie smiling through being tired.
"You going to head to the bedroom?" Drew asks and I nod, then he kisses my forehead before he lets me go and I head to the bedroom.
"What's really going on?" Lexis asks and I whimper as I start getting dizzy and run into the wall, putting my hands out in front of myself so I don't get hurt.
"I don't know Lexis, but I don't feel very good. Something's wrong," I admit right before I push away from the wall and end up falling to the floor, blacking out.
"You're stuck here Clarissa, and I won't ever let you go," Darwin growls softly touching my cheek making me pull away from him.
"What are we going to do with her," Brin asks while I pull at chains holding me hostage.
"I'll get out of here just watch me," I growl and they both chuckle.
"You aren't going anywhere dear. We are never letting you go," Brin says when instantly, I'm gasping for air and I see everyone in the room watching me.
"Are you okay?" Drew asks and I look over to see him on the side of the bed.
"What happened?" I ask groaning at my head hurting.
"You must've fell, because when I came upstairs, you were laying in the middle of the floor passed out," Ashton admits when I look over at him.
"Ugh no wonder my head is killing me," I sigh, and Drew grabs my hand.
"Alright guys you've had enough time with her. It's girl talk," Shannon says as Drew lets go of my hand and heads out of the bedroom with the other guys.
"We've got a surprise for you," Alexa admits and I furrow my eyebrows.
"Hope, bring them in so she can see them," Shannon says when Hope brings in three wedding gowns and I instantly gasp.
"Did you guys buy these?" I ask when I lean up and throw the covers off myself, getting out of bed.
"No, we're just borrowing them until you decide which one you want to wear on your wedding day," Shannon admits when Hope hands me one and I smile running my fingers over the fabric.
"Can I try this one on first?" I ask still holding it, and Alexa chuckles.
"Yes, you can Clarissa," Hope smiles, as Alexa shuts the door and I strip, and Shannon helps me put the dress on.

Once the dress is on I stand in front of the body mirror, staring at myself not saying a word

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Once the dress is on I stand in front of the body mirror, staring at myself not saying a word.
"Clarissa your gorgeous!" Alexa announces and Hope smiles from behind me.
"Could I try the other ones?" I ask and Shannon sighs.
"That's why we brought all of them," Shannon admits when I slip out of this one and try on the next one.

"Oh this is beautiful," I whisper as I feel the fabric with my hands, smiling

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"Oh this is beautiful," I whisper as I feel the fabric with my hands, smiling.
"I love this one. It's my favorite," Hope admits making Alexa chuckle.
"You should get married in it then," Shannon says and Hope rolls hers eyes.
"I need a mate first, and to be engaged," Hope admits as I look at the third one thinking it might be the one.
"Let's try on the last one," Shannon says as I take the second one off and slip into the last one.

"I love this one

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"I love this one. It might be the one," I admit as they all smile, making me smile.
"Are you sure this is the one?" Shannon asks and Lexis groans.
"Pick the second one. That one is the one," Lexis admits and I shake my head no, not feeling this dress anymore.
"Can I try the second one back on?" I ask and Shannon nods.
"Yes you can," Shannon says as they help me back into the second one and I smile brightly feeling better in this dress.
"This one is the one. I know it," I admit and Alexa smiles hugging me.
"You're gonna look so amazing on your wedding day!" Alexa announced making me smile.
"Yes, I definitely will," I nod agreeing with her, happy I've found my dress for my special day with Drew.

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