Chapter 24

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Clarissa's POV
"Screw you!" I growl and I get punched again in the gut while I hang from a chain I'm chained to from the ceiling.
"It hurts doesn't it?" He asks and I look up at him and I snap my human teeth at him.
"Hell no," I admit when he punches me harder but in the face making me spit blood out of my mouth.
"Darwin's second in command should be here any minute," He admits and I chuckle.
"I've never been scared of her," I admit when he smirks.
"She'll love to see you though," He says when I immediately hear heels clicking against the hard concrete floor.
"I hate Brin!" Lexis growls.
"What do you have for me Paul?" Brin asks when she comes into view so I can see her.
"I've brought you Darwin's prized possession," Paul admits when Brin looks at me our eyes locking.
"Clarissa Reed," Brin says licking her lips as she makes her way towards me.
"Brin Meson," I growl through gritted teeth.
"How've you been beautiful?" Brin asks circling me while I struggle to stand on my tipi toes.
"Why should I tell you anything?" I ask and Brin growls when she comes back around to my face running her long black sharp nails across one of my cheeks.
"You better tell me where that older sister of yours is at," Brin warns slicing my cheek with her nails making me growl.
"I'm not telling you anything," I admit and she smiles.
"Then I'll have to force it out of you," Brin admits grabbing a sharp knife pulling up my shirt and running it across my stomach.
"You don't scare me," I admit.
"Wonder if I could keep you alive and make you suffer while I cut open your stomach," Brin says looking up at me smiling.
"I don't care what you do," I say when she growls in disappointment dropping my shirt and walking away from me with the knife.
"Stay right there. I have to go take care of some business," Brin admits as she leaves with Paul leaving me alone.
"What are we going to do about Charity?" Lexis asks and I sigh.
"I don't know Lexis," I admit making her sigh as well.
"Oh my god. No way," A girl says as she walks towards me and I growl.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Drew didn't tell you did he?" She asks and I growl again.
"How do you know Drew?" I ask struggling against the chains.
"Stop you have to be quiet or I'll get caught!" She admits when I stop struggling.
"How do you know Drew?" I ask again and she smiles.
"I'm Shannon Waterlake," Shannon admits.
"Why wouldn't Drew tell me about you?" I ask and she sighs.
"Because I ran from home and defied everything I knew about werewolf's and I even wanted to stop being one," Shannon admits as she walks towards me and starts undoing my chains.
"Does Drew know that you are alive or not?" I ask and she smiles.
"Yes he knows I'm alive but refuses to visit me because of what I did," Shannon says as she finally frees me and I stand up straight rubbing my wrists.
"Your sister is also safe," Shannon says.
"How did you know where I was?" I ask.
"Don't ask anymore questions. Right now we need to get out of here," Shannon admits as we quietly find an exit when we finally get to the door we quickly escape as I change shaking out my fur feeling the wind blow through it.
"Wow," Shannon gasps.
"Thanks now hurry up and get changed," I say and she sighs.
"I can't remember how to change because it's been so long. You'll have to show me, but for now can I get a ride?" Shannon asks and I nod. She crawls onto my back and I take off running following her directions to the house she's staying in. When we finally get to the house she hops onto the ground as I change back naked.
"Oh! I forgot we come back naked changing back. I'll get a blanket!" Shannon says running into the house. When she comes back I wrap a blanket around myself smiling at her.
"Thanks," I admit as we make our way into the house.
"Shannon who'd you bring?" Charity asks and when she comes into view she finds me and tears immediately slide down her cheeks.
"Oh Clarissa!" Charity cries pulling me in for a hug.
"I'm sorry I worried you so bad Charity," I admit.
"Luckily Shannon helped me," Charity says pulling back smiling at Shannon.
"No thanks needed. Now we need to find you some clothes," Shannon says as she walks out of the living room.
"Do you need help?" Charity asks.
"No! Just sit down and get settled because you two will be here for a while," Shannon says as we both sit down sighing.
"We need a plan before we think about leaving here," I say and Charity smiles.
"Already ahead of you on that," Charity admits and I smile back.

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