Chapter 20

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I slowly open up my eyes to see Drew watching me, but not in a weird way.
"Good morning?" I ask and he smiles.
"Morning sleepyhead," Drew chuckles brushing strands of my hair behind my ears.
"What time is it?" I ask and he shrugs.
"Have no idea, because I've been busy watching my amazing mate," Drew says kissing my forehead.
"Do you know where everyone else is?" I ask.
"Yeah they're all hanging downstairs doing who knows what," Drew says getting up out of bed while I lean up.
"Is Charity still here?" I ask hoping she stayed.
"No she left last night after you fell asleep. She said she had to go pack up everything because she was going to sell Tyler's house," Drew says and I growl punching the mattress.
"I need to go see her!" I yell as I quickly get out of bed rushing downstairs while putting my hair up in a messy bun.
"Clarissa wait!" Drew yells quickly following after me.
"I'm not waiting!" I yell back at him gaining everyone's attention while I quickly head to the front door.
"You have to hear what I have to say!" Drew announces.
"No!" I growl spinning around facing him.
"Charity is pregnant!" Drew announces making my heart drop.
"You're lying!" I growl.
"I'm not lying Clarissa, because Charity told me to tell you," Drew says.
"Is that why I can't go and see her to stop her from selling Tyler's house?" I ask.
"Yes because she needs to get away from here as far as she can," Drew admits.
"Why is she running?" I ask and Drew sighs.
"Because Darwin's men are after her," Drew says and I growl louder than ever.
"I'm not leaving her and I sure as hell won't have Darwin's men chasing her down to kill her and my niece or nephew," I admit as I swing open the front door and quickly phase running away from the house towards Tyler's to see if I can make it in time before Charity leaves.

Charity's POV
"It'll be alright baby I'll protect you with my life," I whisper rubbing my belly then I continue packing everything up. That's when I hear a crash and I duck down under something grabbing a knife.
"Where are you?" A guy announces.
"We can smell you, so you can't run or hide from us," Another guy says.
"Take this!" I growl back stabbing one with the knife then I kick him with my foot really hard while the other one rushes towards me.
"You won't win because you can't change," He smirks as I swim punching him in the face really hard then I punch his gut making him fly to the floor.
"Guess I can't take anything with me," I sigh as a tear escapes and I quickly wipe it away as I rush out of the house getting in my car driving off. I look in the mirror and I see a golden blonde wolf and I immediately know it's Clarissa so I stop the car getting out as she phases back and I hug her tears sliding down my cheeks. She pulls back from me and looks me dead in my eyes.
"I'll help you," Clarissa says growling.

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