Chapter 37

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I'm tired," Alexa groans as we walk through the forest.
"Where are we going anyway?" I ask and Shannon chuckles, while Hope smiles.
"Somewhere amazing. You'll love it," Shannon admits.
"But where exactly?" I ask and Hope sighs.
"Can't tell you that," Hope says and Alexa groans again.
"My feet hurt. Are we almost there?" Alexa asks and Hope chuckles quietly under her breath.
"Yes we are almost there. Just a few more hours," Shannon says and Alexa gasps her jaw literally looking like it's going to drop to the ground.
"A FEW MORE HOURS!?!?" Alexa yells and I burst out laughing.
"Chill Alexa, she's only doing that to rile you up," Hope says through each deep breath she takes, so she doesn't die of laughing.
"Oh okay," Alexa sighs right when we arrive my eyes widen and I smile brightly.

"What is this?" Alexa asks and Hope smiles

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"What is this?" Alexa asks and Hope smiles.
"This is a girls only cabin," Shannon says and Alexa takes off running down towards the cabin.
"She doesn't seem really tired," I admit and Shannon chuckles.
"Apparently not," Shannon shrugs and I shake my head.
"Who wants to go for a swim?" Hope asks as we walk together down towards the cabin.
"I would definitely love to swim, but I know Lexis is needing to run so I'm going to go and do that," I admit and they both smile at me.
"Go and have fun on your run, we will be here if you need us!" Shannon says as they walk down towards the water and I head back into the forest.
"I want sleep," Lexis whines.
"But I though you'd want to go for a run?" I ask and Lexis sighs.
"Not really," Lexis admits as I walk slowly until I find an opened up spot to sit down at.
"It's so quiet, and lonely," I sigh as I sit down on the grass and close my eyes feeling the wind softly blow.
"Life will always be lonely," Lexis admits and I whimper.
"I wish it wasn't," I sigh opening my eyes back up finding a woman standing behind me, with a knife pressed to my throat.
"Who the fuck are you?" She growls and I roll my eyes.
"And that's important to you how?" I ask when she pushes the knife harder.
"Answer the fucking question," She warns and I sigh.
"My mate will not accept your way of dealing with things," I admit when she grabs my hair and pulls my head back so I can see her face.
"Answer. The. Question!" She yells, and I growl louder.
"Don't speak to a Luna like that," I warn when instantly her eyes widen and she pulls back dropping to the ground with her head low.
"I'm sorry Luna," She whimpers when I turn around and face her.
"So who are you and why are you out here?" I ask when she leans back up and looks right at me.
"I'm Kendal, and I'm rouge. I'm out here cause my whole pack was killed by rouges," Kendal admits and I furrow my eyebrows.
"So you became a rouge after your whole pack was killed off?" I ask and Kendal nods slowly.
"I've been out on my own for awhile. I've almost been killed a couple of times," Kendal admits and I whimper.
"You're coming back to our pack. And I will not take no for an answer," I admit and Kendal slightly smiles.
"Thank you," Kendal whispers as we get up and head back to the cabin.
"I have other girls at this cabin so don't be scared. They won't hurt you," I smile and Kendal nods understandingly.
"Are they around your age?" Kendal asks when the cabin comes into view.
"Yes, but they are the best and you'll love them," I admit and Kendal sighs.
"Clarissa come join us!" Alexa yells and Kendal smiles when she looks up at me.
"Your name is Clarissa?" Kendal asks and I nod smiling back at her.
"You can call me Rissa," I admit when we reach the cabin and the girls join us.
"Girls this is Kendal. She's a new member of the pack starting today," I admit and they all smile.
"Nice to meet you Kendal! I'm Alexa. This is Shannon, and Hope," Alexa says pointing at Shannon and Hope.
"Nice to meet you all," Kendal admits smiling back.
"Now let's go get back in the water!" Alexa yells as we all race off towards the water laughing.

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