Chapter 29

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"Do you think we're almost there?" Lexis asks and I sigh as I sniff the air trying to make sure I'm going the right way.
"Yes we should be coming up to it any minute now," I admit when I finally see the building come into view and I change back and I hide behind a bush naked watching to see if anyone is standing guard outside.
"This seems off, what if they know we're already here?" Lexis asks.
"I'm not sure Lexis but you might be right," I say as I look around some more but I don't see anyone, until I hear his voice.
"I need men looking for her sister," Darwin says.
"I've had men following them and I had one of them locate Charity," Brin says and my eyes widen.
"Charity's in trouble!" Lexis yells when I sit there deciding what I should I do.
"I don't know if I can choose!" I announce growling and that's when I see them turn around staring at where I'm hiding.
"Did you hear that?" Brin asks and Darwin nods.
"Yes I did. Let's check it out," Darwin says as they make their way towards me and where I'm at hiding at.
"Choose now and choose fast Clarissa!" Lexis yells, and that's when I decide. Slowly changing so I don't make so much noise I lick my teeth and jump out growling as loudly as I can.
"Get out of the way Darwin!" Brin yells as she pushes him out of the way and I tackle her to the ground ripping her apart making sure she won't come back.
"How'd you find me!?" Darwin asks when I turn to him my mouth covered in blood.
"I've come to kill you and this time I'll kill you for good so you don't come back!" I growl as I charge him and tackle him to the ground.
"I won't let you kill me that easily!" Darwin yells as kicks me off him and I land on the ground breaking a couple of ribs making me howl out in pain.
"Come get me if you can," Darwin growls as he stands back up and takes off running.
"We need to get him!" Lexis yells as I struggle getting up but when I do I take off running after him into the forest.
"Stop running like a coward and let me kill you already! I've already killed Brin so now it's your turn!" I growl as he stood and turns around to my face me so I stop and glare at him.
"I won't let you kill me!" Darwin yells and I roll my eyes, scraping my paws against the ground.
"You're not getting away alive so you might as well let me kill you!" I growl and Darwin growls back at me.
"If you want to kill me so bad then you'll have to fight me and win!" Darwin yells as he quickly changes and scrapes his paws against the ground roughly.
"I don't mind a little fighting," I admit licking my lips and Lexis growls in excitement.
"Let's kill him already and get this done and over with already!" Lexis announces.
"Get ready to die Clarissa Reed!" Darwin growls as he launches towards me and I jump up and onto his back crushing him to the ground.
"HOW DOES THAT FEEL?!" I roar as I bite down on his neck after jumping up off him, and I swing him around before throwing him into a large rock hearing cracking sounds.
"I..I won't," Darwin growls when he slowly changes back blood covering his chest, his leg definitely broke being swung the complete opposite way, and his ribs starting to quickly bruise.
"You're good as dead Darwin. Just accept your fate," I growl as I slowly change back, crossing my arms over my chest, and glaring at him.
"You can't....kill me," Darwin coughs out.
"Just shut up already and die," I growl as I walk towards him, uncrossing my arms from over my chest.
"You'll pay," Darwin warns and I chuckle as I squat down and grab his neck.
"I'll keep fighting for my family, and everyone I love. You lose, and your men will certainly lose along with you. Tell Brin I said hi," I admit as I snap his neck and then stand back up staring at his lifeless body.
"Now if he actually stays dead this time," Lexis growls and I sigh.
"I'll think he'll stay dead. Let's just go home already," I admit as I quickly change back and take off running back home covered in blood.

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