Chapter 8

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While I run as fast as I can the group of rouges chase after me.
"We are almost there just take a sharp left up here," Lexis says as I take a sharp left confusing the rogues as some run into the wall, and the rest continue chasing after me.
"How much longer lexis?!" I ask as I see the school coming into view.
"Let me take control," Lexis says so I let her into control as she takes of running as fast as she can towards the school. Once we get to the school I phase back grabbing someone's pair of clothes from behind a tree slipping them on as I take off into the school to find Drew, and Alexa.
"Clarissa? What are you wearing?" Alexa asks me as I take a hold of her hand running.
"Don't ask. We need to find Drew, and fast," I say.
"Why?" Alexa asks.
"Just tell me where he is," I demand as she sighs.
"In the boys locker room," Alexa says as we get to the boys locker walking inside.
"We can't just go in!" Alexa gasps as I let go of her hand walking around to find Drew.
"Ooh. What are you doing in here Rissa?" Wes asks me.
"None of you're business, and don't call me that," I growl as I walk past Wes looking around for Drew still.
"There she is," I hear the guy with the Russian accent say as I spin around seeing them holding Alexa.
"Where are you?" I mumble as I'm spun around my eyes meeting Drew's.
"Where is who?" Drew asks me.
"We gotta go, and also we have to grab Alexa from those rouges," I admit pointing over at the rogues as they push past everyone to get to me.
"Rogues?" Drew asks me.
"Yes rogues now go that way to grab Alexa, and I'll distract them. I'll meet you in the hallway," I say as he takes off as I distract all the rogues while Drew grabs Alexa running out of the locker room into the hallway.
"We need to hurry Clarissa!" Lexis yells as they start closing in, but before they block me into a corner I take off running out the locker doors, and into the hallway while Drew, and Alexa follow after me.
"Where are we going?" Alexa asks me as I run out of the school heading to the forest.
"Just somewhere away from those rogues!" I yell.
"Get back here!" One of the rogues yell as I phase the crappy clothes ripping while Drew, and Alexa phase too while we run off into the forest losing the rogues.
"They'll be after us still!" Alexa yells in mind link.
"She's right. They don't give up that easily," Drew says agreeing with Alexa.
"Where are we suppose to go?" I ask both of them as we run.
"We could go to my house," Drew answers.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I ask.
"It'll be fine. Just follow me," Drew says as he leads, and we follow behind him.

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