Chapter 15

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While the boys carried Jim's casket I walked slowly behind with Charity, and her mate Tyler.
"I'm sorry for calling you so late, and telling you about all the stuff Dad has done to me," I say while Charity pulls me in for a side hug , and we continue walking slowly.
"Well at least Dad got his lesson. He died for his own mistakes not yours Clarissa, and Jim died because he was protecting you. None of this is you're fault," Charity quietly whispers to me tears sliding down my cheeks.
"I feel like everything is my fault nowadays Charity, and there's nothing you can do about it. I'll always feel guilty about everything," I admit as we stop, and the boys set the casket down to where he is to be buried.
"Was he a sweet person?" Tyler asks.
"He was amazing in every way. Drew reminds me of him," I sniffle a tear rolling down my cheek.
"Well I bet Jim was proud to call you his soon to be daughter in law whenever Drew proposed to you," Charity smiles.
"I'll always miss him, but he'll always be in my heart no matter what," I say wiping away my tears as I stand up straight holding hands with Charity.
"Don't worry Clarissa he'll always be around," Charity says squeezing my hand lightly.
"Promise you won't leave again?" I ask.
"I promise not to leave you alone ever again Clarissa. I promise you, and I'm going to keep it," Charity says The guys all step back away from Jim standing beside each other their expressions plain.
"Thanks Charity," I smile leaning against her putting her arm around my back. Drew's eyes flicker to where me, and Charity are standing his eyes locking with mine for a few minutes.
"I'm sorry Drew, about everything," I say in mind link hoping he heard me.
"Everyone ready to get this over with?" The preacher asks everyone all nodding their heads. First we prayed, then he read a few chapters in the Bible then, Jim was buried. Drew continues to stand beside Jim's grave as I slowly walk over to him grabbing a hold of his hand intertwining our fingers tears sliding down my cheeks.
"I'm sorry," I say, but he doesn't move or say anything he just looks down at Jim's grave.
"It's not you're fault Clarissa, and it'll be ok," Drew says finally squeezing my hand as I hear him sniffle.
"It'll all be ok. We're not alone Clarissa. We have each other," Drew says wiping at the few tears that managed to get out.
"You're dad was such a great person, and a leader," I admit.
"He was," Drew says forcing a smile.
"I'll promise to keep his boys safe. Including the one I most dearly love," I say leaning against his shoulder.
"I love you too Clarissa. My father would be proud," Drew says as we finally step away from Jim's grave heading back home when it's starts pouring rain.
"Clarissa?" Drew asks as I turn to him.
"Yes Drew?" I answer.
"I love you with my whole heart, and I want to make it official that you're my mate, and only mine," Drew says.
"What do you mean?" I ask knowing exactly what his answer will be.
"I want to mate," Drew says as we get into the car as we head home.

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