Chapter 38

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"Ahh no!!" Kendal squeals when Alexa throws her under water and I sit on the grass watching, not wanting to get wet.
"You okay Clarissa?" Hope asks sitting down beside me and hands me a coke.
"I'm okay, just thinking is all," I admit.
"You look tired," Hope says and I look at her sighing.
"With everything that's happened, I am tired," I yawn.
"Then you should go rest. It helps," Hope smiles slightly and I shake my head.
"I can't. Not until we get back to the pack," I say and Hope rubs my back slowly.
"Okay that's understandable," Hope sighs patting my back softly, before getting up and heading back out the lake.
"I'm tired," Lexis yawns, making me yawn as well.
"Get some rest Lexis," I say and she sighs.
You get some rest too. We head back in two days. I can't have you tired," Lexis admits and I roll my eyes.
"I don't need sleep, I'll be fine," I admit and Lexis sighs.
"Okay, just don't complain to me when your tired," Lexis says and I run a hand through my hair. I lean back and lay on the grass staring up at the sky sighing.
"No!" Alexa squeals when I hear a loud splash but don't lean up to look. I slowly close my eyes resting as I lay there feeling the wind slowly blow. Instantly I hear growling and my eyes shoot open finding Alexa, Shannon, Kendal, and Hope out of the water facing towards the forest ready for a fight. Slowly but surely I get up and turn to face the forest finding eyes watching us.
"They announce themselves or try and attack?" I ask.
"They've just been sitting here watching us. I don't know for how long though," Shannon admits and I sigh.
"Come out and stop hiding, and if you run I will chase you down and kill you," I warn and the wolf comes out with five others watching us closely.
"What if they try and attack?" Hope whispers to me and I growl.
"Just be ready, I don't know what else to tell you," I say when they continue to stand there in wolf form.
"I'm scared," Kendal admits, and Alexa chuckles.
"This is a normal thing for us, so don't be scared," Alexa says reassuring her.
"Tell me who you are," I growl when instantly the first wolf changes back and a young male stands before us.
"We've been watching you for awhile, Luna Clarissa," The young male says a smirk slightly appearing on his lips.
"Who are you?" I ask and another one changes back and its a young woman. Kendal gasps and I look back at her quickly.
"Kendal whats wrong?" Alexa asks and Kendal's eyes well up with tears.
"You guys are alive?" Kendal whimpers and the girl chuckles slightly, when I turn back to look at her she's trying not to cry.
"Who are they?" Shannon asks Kendal as she rubs her back soothingly.
"Those are my siblings," Kendal admits and the guy smiles.
"Are you serious?" Hope asks crossing her arms over her chest.
"Yes," Kendal whimpers again.
"So you made it out alive from when rouges attacked you all?" I ask and the girl nods.
"Barley. We are lucky we made it out alive," She sighs.
"What about Barroth?" Kendal asks and the guy shakes his head slowly not making eye contact.
"Oh god," Hope whispers as Kendal bursts into tears as she drops to the ground screaming. The girl standing in front of me shivers as tears drop from her cheeks and the guy stands quietly looking at the ground.
"Get over here and comfort your sister," I growl as they are taken back from my request, and then nod making their way to Kendal.
"Please take care of her, and if you ever need anything from us don't hesitate to come to our pack," Shannon says and the guy looks up at her nodding while he holds his crying sister in his arms.
"We should head back anyways. We need to make sure the pack is doing alright," Hope sighs as Alexa wipes at her eyes, always a softie as usual.
"Thank you Rissa," Kendal says after regaining herself a little bit.
"You're welcome Kendal, I'll see you again soon," I softly smile at her before heading back to the pack with the girls.

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