Chapter 4

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Charity's POV
"Babe you ready to go yet?!" Tyler yells from downstairs.
"I'm almost done! Go ahead, and start packing stuff up in the car!" I yell back at him as I rush around packing up stuff I need.
"We need to hurry up Charity!" Tyler yells as I finish up packing up everything, and I rush downstairs with my bags.
"I'm ready!" I announce as me, and Tyler pack everything up into the car, locking the house up, getting into the car, and heading to my old home to see Clarissa, and dad.

Clarissa's POV
As I look at Alexa's spare phone she gave me seeing a text from Charity making me smile.
"You need to be getting to school! Now Clarissa!" Dad yells as I get dressed grabbing my bag, and rushing downstairs.
"Bye!" I wave as I run out the door running to school.
"I can't wait to see Charity again! I'm so excited!! It's been forever," Lexis says as I continue running faster. Once I arrive at school I see him standing at the admissions office desk talking to Miss Harrison.
"Hey Clarissa! You're spacing out!" Alexa says as I turn to her smiling.
"Sorry! My bad," I admit as I sheepishly rub the back of my head.
"It's ok silly! So you wanna hang at my house tonight?" Alexa asks as we walk to our lockers.
"I can't. My sister will probably be coming to visit tonight or tomorrow. Not sure yet," I admit as we reach our locker getting our English books out closing our lockers after.
"Alright that's fine," Alexa smiles.
"So where's Brielle at?" I ask Alexa as we walk to class together.
"She got sick so she couldn't make it to school today," Alexa says.
"Oh ok. Hope she gets better soon," I reply.
"Hey Clarissa!" I hear Drew call my name, and I turn around seeing him walking after us.
"Oh! Hey Drew!" I smile waving to him.
"Who's that?" Alexa whispers to me.
"The kid who had dinner with me, and my dad, as well as his dad," I admit as he joins us walking to English.
"I just started school here. Do you know where the Chemistry class is at?" Drew asks embarrassed.
"Yea it's down this hall at the very end the last door on the right," I admit.
"He's super cute Clarissa!" Alexa mind links me as I look over at her seeing that she's smirking.
"So do you got plans tonight?" Drew asks me.
"Yea I do," I admit.
"No she doesn't! She's kidding! Right Clarissa?" Alexa says elbowing me in my ribs.
"Ow..uh..yea I'm free tonight. What do you have planned?" I ask Drew a little bit embarrassed because of Alexa.
"Nothing special. Just some dinner, and maybe a movie," Drew says as I smile.
"Sure what time?" I ask.
"I'll come pick you up at seven maybe? If that's ok with you," Drew says.
"That sounds fine. I'll see you tonight then?" I ask, and he smiles.
"Alright see you Clarissa," Drew smiles heading off to Chemistry. We enter English class, and Alexa is freaking out, but is whispering so no one else can hear us talking.
"My god! He's so hot! You almost screwed up!" Alexa whisper yells.
"At least I get to hang with him tonight," I smile sheepishly as Alexa wiggles her eyebrows up, and down making me blush.

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