Chapter 12

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"Mmm," What time is it?" I mumble as I open my eyes stretching.
"It's exactly eight o'clock so you might want to get up," Drew says as I lean up pushing the covers off of my body.
"I'm so tired though. Where do we have to go at eight o'clock in the morning?" I ask getting up out of bed seeing my normal golden blonde long hair perfect as always in my mirror reflection.
"Guys wake up!!" Cody barges into the room with Kalian, Rowan, Jaxton, Alexander, Ashton, and a sleepy Chase.
"Ahh!" I scream falling hit my butt on the floor.
"Cute," Ashton says.
"Shut up Ashton. What if she was getting dressed or something?" Drew says helping me up.
"It's not like you guys are mates or something so she would obviously get dressed in the bathroom," Alexander says making Drew growl.
"Just shut up," Drew growls once again.
"That hurt," I admit.
"Let's go!! The mating is today!" Cody announces as he, and the rest of the guys leave the room while I look at Drew my eyebrows furrowed.
"What do they mean mating?" I ask Drew.
"Just grab your robe, and wear it so you don't have to rip any of you're clothes," Drew says tying his straps on his robe.
"I don't understand," I groan confused.
"Just do what I said!" Drew growls making me whimper.
"Fine," I mumble as I walk into the bathrooms shutting the door behind me. As I strip I just wrap my robe around my body tying it tightly as I come back out of the bathroom.
"You better be ready. If not you'll be caught," Drew says as we walk outside, and I see large cages with one girl alone in each cage locked up.
"What are they doing?" I ask Drew.
"They are having men chase after the women. If one of the girls get caught by one of the men they are mated for life," Drew says.
"So they don't just let them find their mates by themselves? You're telling me you're parents force the men to find their mates?" I ask Drew.
"They aren't forcing anyone. This is how we've done it all our lives. It's technically a tradition," Drew says.
"Girls!" Meredith calls as we all strip walking into the cage being closed in.
"This is gonna be fun!" Lexis yells excitedly.
"Nice to know that this is apparently fun for you," I growl as we all phase in unison, and the guys phase a few seconds right after us.
"Three..!" Meredith yells.
"Two..!" Jim calls.
"One..!" Chase yells.
"Run!!!!" Alexa screams as the cages swing open and all the girls take off running into the forest.
"Be safe Clarissa!" Alexa mind links me.
"You know me! I'm always safe!" I mind link Alexa back chuckling.
"You looked sexy naked Rissabell," Ashton mind links me as I laugh.
"Haha! Did you just call me Rissabell?" I ask still laughing while I run.
"Yea what's wrong with it?" Ashton asks me as I stop laughing.
"Oh nothing. It's just I'm coming to kill you now," I admit.
"Come get me princess," Ashton replies as I start running to where I smell his scent. I see this dark brown wolf almost black, but when the wolf turns, and looks at me it isn't Ashton.
"Behind you!" Ashton announces as he pounces on me making me growl.
"You little pain in my butt!" I growl pushing him off of me with my back paws as I stand back up me, and Ashton's eyes locking.
"Nice wolf colors," Ashton says.
"Are you flirting with me?" I ask.
"What?! Heck no! That was a compliment," Ashton admits.
"Mine!" I turn around seeing Drew as his dark brown wolf almost black.
"Drew calm down brother!" Ashton says as Drew shows his teeth making Ashton back away.
"Stay away from Clarissa," Drew warns.
"What is you're problem Drew?" Ashton asks scared.
"She's my mate Ashton not yours," Drew admits still growling.

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