Chapter 28

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"Are you ever going to get up Clarissa?" I hear a voice ask and when I look up I see Charity standing over me.
"Ugh, all I want to do is sleep and you're ruining it," I groan making her chuckle as she stands up straight looking in the body mirror.
"Can you tell that I'm showing?" Charity asks and I sigh leaning up from the bed, and running a hand through my hair.
"Not really," I admit and she turns around looking at me.
"I don't want to start showing," Charity admits.
"I need to get ready," I say confusing her as I walk towards the closet looking for a suitable outfit.
"Where do you have to be going?" Charity asks when I pick an outfit out and I turn around to face her.
"I need to go hunting for Darwin, and kill him," I bluntly say and she looks at me like I'm crazy.
"No way are you going by yourself," Charity says and I growl.
"I'm not letting anyone go with me, because I will not watch someone I love die at his hands," I admit and Charity sighs.
"I'll tell Drew if I have to," Charity admits and I growl at her.
"I swear if you tell him, I'll never forgive you," I admit and Charity sighs in defeat knowing she won't win this fight.
"You can't do this Clarissa," Charity says.
"I have to Charity, or he'll come kill you and everyone else I love," I admit and she looks at me with worry in her eyes.
"You better be careful, because I swear to god if I lose you, I'll kill Darwin by myself even while I'm still pregnant," Charity warns and I smile softly at her.
"I'll be fine Charity. You don't have to worry about me, I can hold my own," I admit as Charity sighs and sits down on my bed.
"Just please Clarissa. Please be careful, you're my young baby sister and I can't lose you like I lost Tyler," Charity says looking up at me with tears welling up in her eyes.
"Charity please don't cry, I told you I'll be ok. You don't have to worry about me," I assure her as I sit down on the bed beside her and pull her in for a side hug.
"I'm sorry these stupid hormones are making me emotional," Charity admits wiping at her eyes as I giggle.
"I'll understand once I have children myself," I admit making Charity chuckle.
"I'll let you get dressed," Charity admits as she pulls away from me and gets up.
"I promise you Charity Reed, I will be careful," I promise, making Charity smile.
"You better be," Charity sighs as she turns away from me and leaves me alone in my room. After awhile of thinking I finally get up from my bed and quickly get dressed.

"We should hurry and leave, before Drew figures out something is going on, and stops us," Lexis says and I tie my hair up into a messy bun

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"We should hurry and leave, before Drew figures out something is going on, and stops us," Lexis says and I tie my hair up into a messy bun.
"Darwin will pay," I growl as I quickly leave my room and quietly head downstairs making sure I don't wake anyone.
"Let's go!!" Lexis announced as I reach the front door, open it and I head out running into the forest as fast as my legs can carry me.
"Where do you think Darwin would be staying?" I ask and Lexis mumbles to herself thinking.
"He's probably staying with Brin," Lexis admits and I growl I stop running, but continue in a walking speed.
"Damn I really don't want to see her again," I groan and Lexis sighs.
"I don't either, but if we want to protect everyone, then we have to kill Darwin and Brin," Lexis admits and I roll my eyes not wanting to do this.
"You better be helping me fight," I warn and Lexis chuckles.
"I wouldn't miss having to fight Darwin and Brin for the world," Lexis admits and I smile stripping out of my clothes I just changed into.
"Then let's go kick some ass," I growl as I quickly change feeling the soft breeze blow through my fur, making me shiver.
"Don't die on me Clarissa," Lexis says and I sigh.
"I won't die, now stop getting all sappy and let's get going," I say earning a chuckle from Lexis.
"Let's do this," Lexis growls as I take off running.

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