Chapter 2

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After school ended I said goodbye to Alexa, and Brielle heading home to do my homework then have dinner fixed for dad when he gets home. When I got home I unlocked the door, going inside, and shutting the door behind me as I walk up to my room to do my homework. When I get to my room I set my bag on my floor plopping onto my bed staring at the ceiling.
"So we have at least two hours until you're dad gets home. That'll be enough time to cook whatever or pick something up," Lexis says as I cover my face with my hands as tears slide down my cheeks.
"I want it to go back to the way it was. To where we were all one big happy family. Not where Charity just takes off, and leaves while mom just left, and died," I admit sniffling.
"I'll protect you as best as I can Clarissa. I'll do whatever to keep you safe. I promise," Lexis says as I lean up wiping away my tears seeing my reflection in the mirror looking at my puffy red face.
"I'm pathetic," I mumble as I get off my bed heading downstairs to go, and get dinner ready, and cooked. Two hours exactly passed, and my dad arrived back home, and dinner was fixed up hot for him.
"Wow dinner was made. I'm surprised you actually listened," Dad says as he grabs his food sitting down at the table eating.
"I'm pathetic, and weak aren't I?" I ask as dad looks over at me.
"Why do you ask?" Dad asks.
"Because you abuse me everyday for no reason," I sigh, and he growls.
"Grab you're food, and just eat then go to bed," Dad growls once again as I grab some food eating it. After we finish our food I brush my teeth heading up to bed. Once I get dressed into a tank top with some short shorts I sit on my bed looking out my window at the sunset.
"It's so pretty when the sun goes down. I've always loved watching the sun go down," Lexis admits as I smile just watching the sun slowly fades away as the moon comes up into the sky.
"Goodnight Lexis," I say as I slide down under the covers slowly closing my eyes.
"Goodnight Clarissa. Sleep well," Lexis says as my eyes fully close, and I let the sleep take over. The next morning I wake up opening me eyes to see an angry dad staring me right in the face.
"I swear to god I've yelled at you twenty times at least! We are having guests over tonight so I want you to make dinner, and I want you to be on you're best behavior. You hear me?" Dad asks.
"Yes I hear you," I yawn as he leaves my room walking back downstairs.
"Just normal guests. No need to freak out," Lexis says as I get out my bed going to take a shower. After taking a hot shower I grab some dark blue jean short shorts with a pink crop top, and some white kicks. After sticking my wet hair up in a messy bun I skip makeup as I grab my bag rushing downstairs leaving the house locking it up while I run to school.
"Why are you running Clarissa we have like forty minutes until school starts," Lexis says.
"I just want to be early," I admit as I continue running. Once I reach the parking lot I speed up running as I run past a group of kids walking in the parking lot. I reach the doors opening them, and running through the school as I get to my locker opening it grabbing my first class books shutting it, and running to the English classroom.

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