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{WARNING: This chapter contains a story which mentions rape and abuse}

Christmas eve. The only thing that everyone was talking about was the stupid Yule Ball. I however was trying to push the overwhelming thoughts back once again during dinner. I picked up my fork and started to play with the food that George had picked out for me. 

Both twins sat across from Hermione and me. My hands were on opposite sides of my plate, a fork in my right and my left was balled up in a fist. I stared at my plate, then noticed a warm feeling on my left hand, looking towards it I saw Fred's hand on top of mine. He had a ring on his index finger. It was large and silver with a small sculpted dragon on it, it's cold touch ignited thousands of chills all over my body.

I looked up and met with his warm smile, letting me know that everything was going to be okay. After returning the smile I took my fork, piled it up with some mashed potato and began slowly nibbling away at it. 

I looked back to Fred and saw that he was glaring at someone, not to my surprise I turned around and saw Malfoy. 

I had told Fred about how he had kissed me after dragging me into the cupboard. I left out the part about the boggart and my panic attack. 

Fred's face looked as if it was burning up, like a pot of water boiling over the edges.

We heard laughs from the Slytherin table and soon after, I felt an immense amount of pain coming from the back of my head. Someone had decided to grab a large amount of my black locks and start to drag me out of the hall. 

I stood from the bench and grabbed the wrist of my "attacker", meeting their eyes I saw that it was none other than Pansy fucking Pug-face. I pulled her wrist in a certain direction making her wince and let go of my hair. Everyone was shocked at her behaviour, most people had stopped eating and either looked in our direction, or towards the teachers table.

"Outside Pierce!" She whined while stomping her foot on the floor.

"No thanks." I replied turning around trying to go back to my seat.

And I felt the pain once more. This bitch had another fist-full of my hair in her hands and was pulling me in the direction of the courtyard. 

I decided to have my fun and act like I had no control. Only when we got outside, she let my hair go and I dropped to my knees. Swarms of students were surrounding us and as she took yet another fist-full of my hair she pulled my head up to meet her gaze. I knew then that this was the moment.

"Don't you ever touch him again!" She screamed.

I was confused, though without hesitation I punched her across her slimy face, forcing her to let go of my hair and stumble backwards.

I stood up and brushed off the dirt on my robes. 

"I didn't touch anyone." I said sternly as I turned to walk away once again. 

"You kissed my fucking boyfriend you whore!" She screamed back while trying to stand up.

I turned, shocked by what she had said. I looked around the crowd looking for the little weasel, and I caught sight of his white hair. I strut towards him seeing the smirk he held on his face.

I punched him across the face, like I just did to the pug and kicked him in the crotch, making him fall pathetically to the ground in pain. I was about to keep going when I felt four arms wrap around my body, pulling me away from my fight once again. 

I squirmed and kicked as the two large bodies carried me away back into the castle. 

They placed me down and I realised that I was surrounded by not only Fred and George, but Hermione, Harry, Ron, my father and Professor Dumbledoor as well. Shit! 

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