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"My parents were Antonia and Edmund Swallow-"

Hermione gasped, cutting me off almost instantly "You're a Swallow? Wait that means-"

"Mione, please. Please just listen. My mothers' side of the family were direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin himself." I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what was to come, "My mother was a twin. Her maiden name was Riddle." I spoke in just above a whisper.

They stared at me with gaping mouths, their jaws nearly levelled with the floor. I told them, they knew. They knew who my parents were, and I just hoped they were smart enough to realise where I was going, "Tom Riddle?" Hermione asked, questioning her burning suspicions.

I nodded my head slowly, "Her brother." My words came out softly, taking in everything I had experienced, everything I had told them. It all felt very real in that moment, as if I was finally accepting who I was, whose blood I shared. 

Acceptance was always a hard thing. I constantly found myself in a trap, conflicted with different feelings about certain things. It took far too long to accept that my father had adopted me, it took me longer to adjust to the idea of homeschooling. The only thing that I accepted quickly, was the fact that there was no escape from my past, from what had happened to me. 

Harry gulped, "You're his niece?" He asked, completely uncertain and in complete confusion, which was to be expected.

I nodded slowly, keeping my head down. I thought about what I told them, the words I spoke and how they came out as small whispers. 

"I think we need to move," Ron spoke, beginning to pack up his belongings as if it was perfectly natural. 

I couldn't blame him, the information overload would have sent his brain into a slight spiral, particularly after what he just did, destroying the locket and all. Neither Harry nor Hermione spoke a word as they too began to pack. I slowly made my way over to my bag and placed certain items inside it. We were packed and ready to go within five minutes, waiting for Hermione to think of where to go next.

"Alright, I think I've got it," Mione said in just above a whisper, holding out her arms for the three of us to take. 

I couldn't speak a word to them, they couldn't speak to me. Everything seemed different after telling them, "And Fawn, you're nothing like him." She smiled, causing me to let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

With the familiar pull and tug, I found myself gaining my balance in a forest much like the one we were just in, "Ron? Help me with the protection charms?" I asked kindly, to which he responded with a smile and a nod. 

More relief, they didn't hate me, they didn't want to leave me behind or tell me I wasn't on their side. Ron and I wandered through the snow, establishing the barriers we wanted to set, "When did you find out?" He wandered out loud, "Did you know during school?" 

I sighed to myself lightly, "No, I only found out during the months I was in hiding." I told him, preparing myself to place the protecting charms. 

I took a deep breath, calming myself, but before I could speak, Ron bumped into me, "Jesus, what the fuck-" I cut myself off by my own gasp.


Ron and I stumbled back as more and more snatchers appeared from behind trees and bushes. My heart rate had gone up a million times, my breath hitched in my throat as Ron and I continued to stumble over the snow. I looked up to Ron and saw him give me a look to run, I subtly nodded and within the next second, we both broke into a sprint, grabbing a hold of both Harry and Hermione as our feet carried us. The snatchers began throwing a range of different jinxes and hexes at us, and I realised that we would most likely be caught. I quickly changed my hair and eyes as if it was second nature, still in a chaotic sprint, Hermione was casting spells back towards the snatchers. The footsteps behind me were quickening, catching up to me. It wasn't long before two arms were wrapped around me, stopping me from moving any further. I kicked and screamed, trying desperately to get out of their grasp, but it was no use. 

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