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{WARNING - This chapter contains sexual scenes}

I was feeling so much stronger and like myself then I ever had. Days had gone by and I was getting stronger and eating more and more, I looked less like a bony thestral and more like a proper human being. Being surrounded by my friends felt better than I could've ever imagined. Fred and I had hardly spoken, though I explained the whole not dead thing to him and I could tell he was still adjusting to having me around again.

Harry was happy to see me alive and well, though he was adjusting to the fact that Draco was appart of the order and I swear, it took everything in him to not punch him. Draco and everyone else seemed to be getting along well, appart from Fred. We hardly saw Fred honestly, most of the time he was locked away in his room, or he was back at the shop.

I hardly slept, I felt the need to stop myself whenever I felt myself drifting off. The fear of being put back into those nightmares was overwhelming, they had gotten worse whenever I closed my eyes, though I tried my hardest not to let that ruin my growth and strength.

I woke up at the crack of dawn, Draco was still sound asleep, but I had the sudden urge to train, to get back into my good habits. I carefully picked myself up from the bed, pain free, and quietly got changed into my dragon hide gear. I buckled up the last holster and placed my daggers where they went.

After leaving the sleeping Draco without a sound, I quietly wondered through the house and out into the field. The memory of my first training with Tonks and Sirius ran through my mind, it was the same field, though this time, it was in the heat of summer. Having the ability to warm my skin unfortunately meant I couldn't cool it, so summers really sucked in that aspect.

I began to make my way to the far line of trees and burnt target rings into almost every single one. I began by throwing my daggers into four separate trees, hitting the centre circle every time. I had come across a way of getting the daggers back to me, without having to pluck them out of the trees, after Draco left the manor, I figured it out. The idea was to wrap a flame around the handle and pull it back to me. The only thing was that sometimes, the dagger would flip, and the blade would drive right through my hand.

I focused the flame in my palm and brought it out to the handle of the dagger, then focused on the flame to bring it back to me. It worked, no damage done. I returned the rest of the daggers to my hand and continued to train for hours on end.

Draco's pov -

I woke up to the bright sunlight shining through the slightly parted curtains. The room was filled with the warm summer light, everything seemed all too inviting. It felt weird to be surrounded by so many Gryffindors, hardly anyone in the order was a Slytherin, most of the time I felt alone, though having Fawn with me was more than helpful.

I turned in the bed in hopes I would be able to wake her up with a kiss on her precious forehead, but she wasn't there. I sighed and realised she was probably downstairs with everyone. She had gotten so much better and I admired her for her bravery and strength to get where she wanted to. She called herself a human thestral, I thought it was rather amusing at first, but then I realised that she was talking about those weird bony animals she drew, and the amusement fled my body in an instant. She was upset that she looked like skin and bone, she had come so far and was determined to get back to her old self.

I groaned as I got up and put on a plain white button-up and a pair of jeans, this summer was fucking hot, so I tried my best to avoid the black, though my entire trunk was black so that wasn't helpful in the slightest. I yawned as I bounced down the stairs of the burrow, I expected to see Fawn and all the Weasley's sitting around the table laughing and eating. But once again, she wasn't there. No one was around the table, it was only Molly in the kitchen.

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