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"Hey roomie." Onyx smiled as she rushed over to give me a hug.

"How did you know?" I asked, surprised that she knew and I had only just found out.

"Snape told me this morning as he had house elves taking your stuff in." She shrugged.

"Does this mean you're a Slytherin now?" Lorenzo smirked.

"No. I'm still a Gryffindor, dad just doesn't trust me I guess." I chuckled in response.

Onyx took me over to the couch and beckoned me to sit with the rest of the group.

"Here. We couldn't send them to you, so we just held onto them." She said as she passed me some gifts.

"Did you all get the ones I sent you?" I asked, hoping they liked them.

I bought Onyx a new outfit I knew she wanted and would definitely wear at the next party. I got Lorenzo a broom polishing kit, Theo got a copy of Much Ado About Nothing and I got Blaise a shit tone of sweets.

"Oh we got them alright, thank you by the way." Lorenzo smiled.

I looked over to the armchair by the fire which is where Malfoy sat, deep in his thoughts.

"I guess someone didn't like their present." I said with a sarcastic frown on my face.

"What'd you get him?" Blaise laughed.

"Just a little badge." I said simply before I began to giggle.

Everyone furrowed their brows with smiles spread across their faces, they were amused and eager to hear what the badge said.

"It says asshole and it has an enchantment which makes the words bigger whenever someone looks at it." I smiled, feeling proud of myself for thinking of it.

"Ha! Where did you find it?!" Blaise laughed.

"I made it." I smiled.

"You made it?" Lorenzo asked, sounding somewhat surprised.

"Ouch Berkshire, you really think I can't put an enchantment on a badge?" I teased.

"Hurry up, open them!" Onyx beamed.

I opened a small box from Lorenzo which had a beautiful silver chain with an emerald round gemstone attached to it. The next one was from Theo, a copy of The Winter's Tale by Shakespeare I smiled as I traced the hard cover of the book.

"You like Shakespeare?" Blaise asked in disgoust.

"Shut up Zabini, what would you know." I nudged him in the ribs.

Onyx got me a snake ring which had emerald eyes, it fit on my finger perfectly. Blaise handed me a clear ziplock bag which utterly confused me. Once I took it from his grasp I looked closer into the bag and noticed two joints. I laughed loudly as I tucked the bag away in my trunk.

"Shit." I said under my breath as I saw Drago slithering up the armchair Malfoy was in.

I quickly got up and tried to get him away from Malfoy, I placed my arms on the chair but then quickly realised what I did. I now had Malfoy pinned to the chair, my hands were placed on either side of his head, our faces were inches appart.

His stone cold eyes stared at me, confused.

"What are you doing Pierce?" He said with a smirk.

"Just grabbing Drago so he doesn't bite you." I smirked in response as I finally got ahold of my gorgeous snake and pulled my arms away from Malfoy.

"You have a snake!?" Onyx shouted in excitement.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind Onyx. He won't bite, well..." I turned my gaze to Malfoy, "He won't bite you Onyx, can't say the same about others." I smirked.

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