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"GET UP!" I heard a loud whisper directly in my ear.

"Fuck off, i'm sleeping." I groaned as I turned to shove my face into my pillow.

As soon as I turned my body an buried my face in my pillow, it was taken from underneath me and whoever took it began hitting me repeatedly with the pillow until I sat up. 

"What the fuck do you want?!" I shouted in a whisper.

"It's Christmas, get up." Ronald demanded, throwing the pillow directly in my face.

I groaned as I took the covers off my body and placed my slippers on before walking down the stairs. I walked into the sitting room and was met with a group of extremely tired individuals. 

"Jesus Ron, what time is it?" I yawned.

"Four thirty in the morning." Hermione growled.

"Oh I am not having this." I snapped a little, turning to walk back up the stairs.

"Oh no you don't." Fred chuckled as he grabbed my waist, picking me up and walking me over to the couch. 

"I'm too tired to fight you off at the moment, but just know, once I wake up properly, you're gonna get it Weasley." I groaned as I buried my head into his shoulder. 

I heard others in the room chuckle at my threat, they were all just as tired as I was. Fred placed me on the couch, sitting next to me. I didn't hesitate to lie-down and rest my head on his lap. 

"You're not falling asleep." He demanded as he began gently playing with my hair.

"We'll see." I yawned.

"I'll start on breakfast, no one is touching the gifts." Molly said pointedly at Ron.

As Fred continued to play with my hair, I felt my eyes begin to get heavy, soon falling into a deep sleep. 

"Fawn, come on, up." Fred laughed as he tried to wake me up.

"No." I groaned.

"Fine." He sighed before picking me up bridal style and walking me somewhere.

"She fell asleep?" I heard Sirius ask in an amused tone.

"Shut up." I groaned weakly as I held onto Fred.

He placed me down on a chair, meaning i'd have to stay awake, otherwise i'd fall off. The table was filled with different breakfast foods, there were towers of pancakes and waffles, fruit and toast. The kitchen was decorated with different colours to celebrate the holiday. 

Fred and George didn't hesitate to start piling all different types of food on my plate.

"What's the time now?" I asked lightly." 

"Seven." George smiled.

"Oh, Fawn dear. Your father will be here at seven thirty." Molly smiled as she helped Arthur cut up his pancakes.

I had almost forgotten he was coming, I was used to not spending the holidays with him. He was usually at Hogwarts for ever holiday there was. I hated being alone, but I was used to it.

"When everyone is finished with breakfast we will do the gifts." Molly smiled.

I watched as Ron quickly ate the rest of his food, he basically inhaled it.

"Ron, she said when everyone finished, not just you." I giggled which caused the rest of the table to laugh.

Ron kept pushing everyone to finish their food, this boy really enjoyed this holiday. Eventually we all finished, well more or less. I couldn't stomach anything else on my plate, I'd already had two pancakes and that was more than enough.

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