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I woke up to the splash of water as it hit my face and ran down my skin. There was pain, my whole body ached, every single inch of skin, every single limb and muscle ached. I was surrounded in darkness once again, I realised I was back in the cellar. I was lying on the cold stone floor, only making my aching limbs worse.

"Fawn?" I heard a familiar voice echo through the room.

"T- Theo?" I asked through heavy breaths.

I almost couldn't believe that it was him, I thought that his voice was surely something from my imagination, something trying to keep me from giving up.

"Yeah Fawn, it's me." The voice said again, though I couldn't believe it was truly him.

Just as if he was reading my mind, a light shone from the tip of his wand and hovered into the centre of the room. And there he was, the familiar face of my best friend, his hair still flopped over his forehead as usual, though he looked tired, deranged, as if he had just been crying.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, crouching down to my level and gently tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Fucking fantastic thanks." I sighed, trying to keep the sarcasm going. 

Though the light and airy mood was quickly diminished as I hissed in pain. There was a stab in my ribs, a stab in my stomach, a stab in my legs, my arms, my hips, everywhere. I was in constant pain, unaware of what the prick had done to me. 

"Here..." He placed a cup of water and a few pieces of bread next to me, "You need to eat." 

"How long-" I gasped as I felt a searing pain in my ribs, "H- how long have I been here?" I finally managed through heavy breaths.

Theo helped me to sit up and lean against the hard stone wall so that I could eat and drink properly. He's always been too good for this world.

"About a week, I think. It's been a week since that meeting, but I'm not too sure on when you arrived." He began to soak a wash cloth in a bowl of water, "I'm just gonna clean you up a bit alright?" He finished sweetly.

A week?

Maybe longer?

I ate the bread and water within minutes, given that I had hardly eaten in a whole fucking week. I was in too much pain, too much disbelief to ask Theo what they did to me, all I knew was that it fucking hurt. We didn't speak while he brushed the cloth gently over my skin, I just thought, and I could tell he was thinking too. 

I thought about Draco, I thought about how he would react when he would come back to the manor and realise I wasn't there. The manor that we called home, it was our home. I couldn't help but let the tears fall, the tears that I tried to hold in, the tears I didn't want people to see. But they fell, they ran like waterfalls down my cheeks, dampening anything and everything that got in their way. 

How had everything come to this?

"Fawn I-"

"The Dark Lord want's to see her. Now." A mans voice sounded through the iron bars.

Theo didn't say anything in response, only gave me apologetic eyes, to which I nodded my head, knowing that he had no choice but to do what he had to. The pain was searing, stopping me from thinking about anything else. The pain clouded my thoughts, clouded the parts of my brain I needed, the pain was all I could think about.

I was constantly going in and out of consciousness as Theo guided me to the meeting room. I had hardly realised where we were until I was sat in a large armchair with ropes tied around my arms and legs. 

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