Narrator's pov -
Two more months had passed for both Fawn and Draco.
Draco was distraught for the first month, most days were spent in Fawn's old room in 12 Grimmauld place. He beat himself up for leaving, he barely ate nor slept. He was constantly restless, and was hardly ever in the right mindset to help the Order. Tonks was able to help him get out of the hole he kept digging himself, he found himself slowly getting better, though there was never a day he went without thinking about her.
The girl he loved.
He was called upon by Severus for their 'monthly catch up'. Draco hated going back to Hogwarts, it only filled him with more and more memories he wished he didn't have. The memories of how he acted, how he treated his peers. It was clear to him how much Fawn had changed him, and he loved her even more for that.
After using the floo network form Grimmauld place, directly to Severus' office, Draco brushed the remaining soot from his coat before sitting down directly in front of the man with the greasy hair.
Draco scanned the room and was reminded of all the times he had been called in there. He recalled the particular time in his third year when his father used the very same floo network to come to Hogwarts about the pathetic chicken which nearly killed him. The memory brought him to Fawn once again, he thought of how she would give him a look if he were to speak of an animal like that. Not just any look, the look where she narrows her eyes and cocks her head to the side. It was Draco's favourite.
"Draco..." Snape acknowledged him without looking from the Daily Prophet.
"Severus." Draco nodded, looking at the headline which he had already read that morning.
He did the same thing he did every day, he checked the list, the list of the diseased. It was the only thing that allowed him a little piece of mind, the only thing that allowed him to stay in the calm before the storm would hit.
He watched as Severus made it to the last page, his cold, black eyes scanned the list frantically, darting from the left to the right.
"She's not on the list." Draco said calmly, playing with the rings that Fawn had gifted him for Christmas.
Snape didn't reply to his comment, only gave a slight nod before placing the paper down onto his desk and picked up a quill to begin marking exams.
"Is there any word? About Fawn I mean, well, and You Know Who..." Draco wondered out loud, not handling the silence all too well.
"I have been kept distant from the situations that rise in your family home. My task is to stay at Hogwarts and keep an eye on Dumbledore. Though I have been told of You Know Who's so called, master weapon." He lifted his eyes towards Draco as he spoke in his annoyingly monotoned voice.
"Master weapon, sir?" Draco's eyebrows were furrowed in complete confusion.
"Yes, whoever he is, he is nothing we've ever seen or fought against before. He is the one behind all the mass killings." He tapped the papers heading as he spoke.
Draco's face had contorted into one of complete disarray. He had not heard of the so called master weapon. He knew of the killings, he checked the papers every morning, he had known that the death eaters were behind those attacks, but he never imagined one singular man would be behind it all.
"But that's thousands of people dead, all within the past, what? Three months?" Draco sighed and leaned back into the large chair.
He knew that he would be there for a while longer, so he brought his legs up and crossed them, the large chair was just big enough to cater for his long legs.

Fawns Heart
Fanfiction{WARNING 18+} - Female OC X Fred Weasley & Draco Malfoy "How is it Pierce, that one person can obtain all the beauty in the world?" {Fred Weasley & Draco Malfoy}