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Draco and I did train, a lot.

Most days for the past two months or so.

Everything was good, nearly better than good really. My eating was far much better than I could have ever hoped, I hardly ever skipped a meal, I was eating like a regular person, even more so. My appetite had definitely gone up, and I was so thankful. I always thought that Draco had a part in it, that he was able to help me gain a better control of everything.

He really did keep me together.

The only thing that wasn't so amazing was how sick I had gotten. We both thought it was just something I must have picked up from the pub, I had been throwing up quite a lot. Though I was so thankful that didn't have a big impact on my appetite.

Draco accepted the fact that I still needed time for everything, I felt guilty for how long it was taking me to trust him. He had spilt his guts out, took veritaserum and has been by my side every day for the past eight months. He was my rock, though something deep down in my stomach was telling me that the rock would fall, that the rock would crush me, my rock would break me. 

"Ultra infantem." Draco continuously whispered the words of the contraception spell as we lay side by side in the early morning.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"Trying to figure out what it means, it's latin, so I'm trying to translate it." He smiled, though that smile quickly faded as he looked into my eyes.

I couldn't help but feel like something was off, like something was about to happen. Draco seemed a bit tense lately and I couldn't shake the feeling like something was wrong.

"Draco?" I whispered as he turned his gaze back up to the ceiling.


"What's going on?" I hesitated to ask, but I needed to know.

"Nothing Fawn, nothing. Everything is fine."

"Draco. If you want me to trust you, you need to actually tell the truth. I can tell somethings up, I know somethings up. I can feel it." I tried to pry the truth out of him.

"I-" He sighed and took a minute to recollect himself, "Your... father." He hesitated to continue.

"Keep talking." My face stayed numb at the mention of my father. The man, the myth, the legend, oh! Also the person who hadn't been in contact with us for the past eight fucking months!

"H- he needs to talk to me. I have to leave tomorrow morning." He could hardly look at me.

"W- what? Draco? Why didn't you tell me about this?" I began to panic.

It was like Theo all over again, I didn't know when he would be back, he might never come back. Theo never came back, for all I knew, Theo was dead in a ditch somewhere. He couldn't leave me, we pinky promised we wouldn't leave each other. I wouldn't let him leave me.

"Because of this Fawn, I didn't want you to freak out." He finally turned to me and held onto my upper arms.

His eyes were full of worry as mine darted around the room, my thoughts consisted of one thing, and one thing only.

I think I'm going to be sick.

I stumbled out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom, the fear of throwing up caused my limbs to shake. I had been getting sick lately but I still hated it, it caused my limbs to shake and my mind to go wild, I thought it had been getting better over the past week or two, but when the familiar bile began to brew in the back of my throat, I knew it wasn't over.

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