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I woke up in a huff as I realised I wouldn't be back home until Christmas. There was a nock on my door and my father peaked through.

"Up please, we must leave at once." He stated quickly.

I got out of bed and put my slippers on, I honestly couldn't care less about staying in my pyjamas. Wherever we were going, there would be a bed and I was going to fall asleep the minute we got there.

I picked up my stuff and stumbled down the stairs, my eyes were barely open and I took my fathers hand and we apparated. 

"Where are we then?" I yawned.

"12 Grimmauld Place." Someone replied from behind us.

I slowly turned around, yawning in the process and met with a rather tall man who had a fair amount of scars all over his face.

"Remus Lupin." He said as he held out his hand for me to shake.

"Fawn Pierce." I mumbled as I slowly reached for his hand.

"No need to tell me who you are dear, it is lovely to meet you." He smiled.

I couldn't help but give a dopey little smile as I was soon about to fall asleep right there and then.

"Please tell me there's a bed somewhere." I yawned once again.

"Follow me." Remus laughed as he lead me up a set of creaky stairs.

He slowly opened a door and showed me into the room i'd be staying in. I instantly dropped onto the bed and fell asleep within seconds.

I woke up to a loud crash coming from downstairs. I shot up out of the bed and had a small panic, not remembering where I was. After coming to my senses I practically ran down the stairs and met my father, Remus and another man sitting in the kitchen. 

I began to walk into the room and felt an instant sharp pain in my foot, I looked down to see blood on the floor along with a broken glass.

"Ahh shit." I sighed.

"Language Fawn" My father sighed in response.

"Sorry, but someone might want to clean up this glass. I don't particularly fancy stepping on it again." I said as I hobbled over to a seat at the table.

"You what?" Dad almost yelled as he snapped his attention from the paper to me.

"It's fine, it's literally nothing." I laughed as I began to gently pick the pieces of glass out of my foot.

"Allow me." The new man said.

I smiled lightly as he began to use his wand to take out the glass and heal the cuts.

"Sirius Black." He smiled as he stood back up, "You must be Fawn."

"Pleasure." I said as I held out my hand and he gladly took it.

We were all seated at the table now, I realised that the sun was setting out the window and I was shocked that I had spent the whole day asleep.

"I suppose you are well rested after sleeping for two days?" My father said lowly, turning his attention back to the paper.

"Two days?!" I yelled.

"Yes dear. Your father told us you went to see Amos, it must have drained you quite a lot." Remus replied calmly.

"I suppose so, yes." I responded slowly, I was still confused. 

"Eat please." My father said as he pushed a plate over with chicken and potatoes on it.

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