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{WARNING - This chapter contains sexual scenes}

I woke up to the sound of my own breathless moan, the sensation of something in between my legs caused my head to shoot up, only to see the platinum blonde with his hands wrapped tightly around my thighs. His tongue moved in all the right ways, causing my hands to instantly fly down to grab onto his blonde locks. 

"Morning princess." He smirked.

"Don't stop." I panted, gripping onto his hair tighter as he dove back down and continued his sweet, sweet torture. 

My back arched at the early morning pleasure he was sending me, my legs draped over his shoulders while his nails dug into my skin was a sight to see, a sight I never wanted to end. His tongue danced over my clit, before sucking lightly on the sensitive nerves. My moans fled my lips with ease, not caring weather the silencing charm had been put up or not. My hips bucked up by themselves, desperate to meet his tongue. 

My tower was building up, the knot was tightening. He was good, he was pure pleasure, pure bliss. My grip tightened in his long locks as I grew closer and closer to my climax.

"Fuck- Draco..." My breathless moans continued as he took his hand from my thigh and inserted two digits, slowly pumping in and out, curling in doing so, sending me to the edge.

"Come on my fingers whore." He grunted while my legs shook and twitched over his shoulders.

"Say it again." I panted, now squirming as he didn't stop his movements.


His words alone were enough to send my tower toppling over, crumbling as it hit the floor. My orgasm ripped through me, the unexpected surprise of waking up to such pleasure fed into the anticipation my orgasm had built upon. His name slipped through my lips as small whispers while I slowly came down from the high I didn't know I was going to receive. 

I gasped as his tongue made contact once again, licking my arousal as if it was the finest sweet, the finest wine. As he removed my legs from his shoulders delicately, he stood up, holding eye contact with me as he sucked his fingers clean, nearly sending me over the edge again with his intense gaze.

"How long were you-"

"Maybe a few minutes." He shrugged with a devilish smirk before lying back down next to me. 

"Please tell me you put up the silenc-"

"Nope." He smirked while casually popping the 'p'.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed at his pettiness. After the whole fight with Fred, Draco was intent on making him jealous, upset, mad, all because of what he said. Fred was mainly situated at the flat him and George shared above the shop, though whenever he was at the burrow, Draco never failed to make me squirm, make me giggle, anything to piss him off while fill me with pure bliss.

"Come on love, let's go get breakfast." He jumped up, slightly more cheery than I would have thought.

"What's with you this morning?" I asked as I sat up and narrowed my eyes in confusion at the slight pep in his step.

"Well, for one, I woke you up with an orgasm," He bent over and placed his hands on either side of my legs, keeping his face close to mine, "And two, your dress is coming today, plus the wedding is tomorrow." He finished with a small peck on my lips, "Now get up." He tugged on my arms, pulling me up with him.

Upon our decent down the stairs, I was met with the burning glare from Fred as he exited his room. He had changed, so much. I never thought I would end up in such a fight with him, we never fought, we never had any disagreements, so what had made him so angry in the first place? His girlfriend was the one who started everything in the first place, from the very beginning, on our fist day at Beauxbatons.

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