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{Listen to Sometimes (Backwood) by Gigi on repeat during this chapter}

"W- what?" 

"She didn't fuck me mate." Theo said slowly.

"It was a dare." George continued.

My eyes darted around the room, confused, I didn't know what to think. I felt his hand hold my shoulder though I quickly placed my hand on his chest, pushing him away slightly. There were no tears, just confusion.

As per usual, my thoughts overwhelmed me. I found my feet were walking me out of the common room, leading me down towards the dungeons in a quick manor.

Fred's pov - 


"What the fuck Fred!" George yelled.

"I can explain!" I spoke quickly.

"Yeah, you had better start talking." Onyx spoke from behind me.

I noticed that Nott had left after Fawn, I've fucked this whole thing haven't I?

I looked over to Harry for help, he avoided my gaze, forcing me to explain on my own.

"When?" Granger asked harshly.

"I- uhh. The third task..." I trailed off, I was in for it now.

I was stood in the middle of the group, everyone was sat down, completely shocked by what they had just learnt. I thought I was glad that Harry didn't tell her. Though now I thought that may have been easier.

"You better explain yourself Weasley." Onyx spat.

"Listen okay. Angelina and I used to have a thing before Fawn got here. The night of the third task, after Fawn was taken off she came onto me. I wasn't in the right mind. It just happened." I rushed my explanation.

"Your girlfriend had just lost the person who was like a brother to her! She cried that entire night! She was broken! How the fuck could you be off fucking Johnson when she was sat, absolutely broken in the hospital wing?!" George yelled, I had never seen him this mad.

"She kept asking for you that night." Hermione said in just above a whisper.

I felt a stray tear roll down my cheek, everything was so fucked. I had fucked everything up.

"Please tell me that was the only time." Ron asked.

"Nope." We all heard a voice say.

We turned around to the owner of the voice and saw it to be Johnson herself. Bold move.

"Fuck off Johnson!" Onyx threatened, Angelina didn't hesitate to leave quickly after that.

"When was the last time then?" Hermione asked lightly.

"Just before halloween..." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Merlin Fred. How could you?" George asked, he was broken. I could see it in his eyes.

Onyx sighed as she picked herself up and walked out of the common room, no doubt to go and find Fawn. Soon after she left, so did George, Granger and Ron.

"You didn't tell her?" I asked Harry, not looking into his eyes.

"I tried to. Kept getting interrupted." He said through gritted teeth.

"Listen I-"

"Save it Fred, I didn't want to walk into your dorm to find you two fucking. Do you know how hard it's been to watch you act like nothing happened? To see Fawn look genuinely happy while you were lying to her face?!" He yelled, then stormed off to his dorm.

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