The Promise of Rain

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Rachael sat the the window with a cup of tea. Staring at the grey street below and the grey sky above. It was going to rain, she had decided. She heard the main door open as she turned and waited, soon enough her roommate walked in with bags of what looked like grocery. She saw her sitting and they both smiled at each other. Rachael then turned back and stared out the window, her red hair tied back in a hasty bun, eyes expressionless. When Rachael walked in that evening to her apartment after two days of disappearance, she was greeted with a very worried roommate. All Claire said was that she finally broke up with Marcus and Rachael just let go of the tears she had been holding for far too long as he hugged her best friend. After an hour of just crying and many more of just sitting there quietly, Rachael finally told her friend why she was crying and where she was, referring to the the the boy as only Him. Claire didn't press. After that Rachael woke up the next day she was quieter than usual. She stopped going to parties and Claire wasn't rudely awoken by the noise of her bed being banged against the wall repeatedly anymore. Rachael attended all her classes and just came home and studied or sat around. Claire just gave her the space she needed. Rachael still cooked and talked to her friends. She laughed and smiled with them in class and then came back home. But what worried Claire was different, since that day, Rachael hadn't cried.

Right now Claire placed the grocery she had in her hands on the table and looked at Rachael. She was sitting with a mug in his hand and looking out the window. She looked calm, but if you looked long enough or knew her as well as her roommate did you would see the dilemma in her eyes, how lost they were.

"Would you like something to eat?" Claire asked with a sympathetic voice.

"I'll make something if you like, don't worry. What would you like to eat?" Rachael said, turning to look at Claire, her voice as mundane as her expression.

"Let's just order some pizza okay? I got us beer. We can watch a movie or something." Claire said she she went into her purse to take out her phone.

"Sure. I'll have whatever pizza you're having." With that she just gave her a smile and turned back to stare out. Too lost in a thought that wasn't there.

It had started raining, Rachael realised with a little satisfaction. In the distance she heard Claire sigh as she greeted someone on the phone, she assumed it was the pizza place. Rachael drank up the last of her cold Earl Grey tea and got up to make herself some more. She poured herself water and dropped a tea bag. She picked up the full mug and took a deep breathe in as she smiled as the aroma filled her senses, she walked back to where she was seated.

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