Epilogue- Unexpected

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The day was mundane, to say the least. Not to mention extremely long and tiring. Louis had meetings all morning, ranging from song writing ideas to board meetings for his record label. After a tiring day and an immense need to just fall into his bed, a quick glance at twitter reminded him that he had to be at his bandmate's birthday.

"Shit shit shit." He kept mumbling to himself as he put on a new t shirt and his shoes and walked out the door in a hurry. As expected a car was waiting for him, the whiny management intern with it.

"Mr. Tomlinson you're late." She stated with her forever anticipating voice.

"As I'm aware Miss Williams." He answered a little harshly, getting in and shutting the door to inform her that she wasn't coming. As the car started, her shocked face went out of his view and he sighed and sat back.

"You know she likes you Mr. Tomlinson." His driver informed, Louis admired his old companions honesty at all times and he knew it. Louis sighed and sank back into his seat more.

"I know Roger, but she and her fake stance is as appealing to me as my socks." Louis scoffed, his driver gave a booming laugh that caused Louis to smile genuinely for the first time that day.

"You're going to have to find someone eventually Mr. Tomlinson." He said, still chuckling.

"Louis." He insisted for the hundredth time. "And I'm sure I will but Miss Williams and her." Louis paused and considered the correct word, "Type, aren't what I'm looking for." Louis stated. As silence insured, Louis Opened up his phone to find the many messages asking where he is. He just groaned and shut it off, he could tell them when he got there.

Soon enough the car stopped and louis looked out at the crowded pavement around the club. Paparazzi and anxious customers alike stood around waiting. He took in a deep breath as his hand went to the handle.

"Have fun Mr. Tomlinson." Roger said as he tipped his head.

"I don't think anything interesting is going to happen tonight Roger." Louis said with a chuckle and opened to the door to an increased chorus of noises.

"Life can be full of surprises when you least expect it sir." Louis heard his driver's distant mumble causing him to smile slightly.

Louis followed his usual demeanour and had his head down, he only wanted to briefly look up to push his hair back when his eyes caught a figure standing against the wall next to the door. At first glance he wondered if she was feeling ill, or if someone did something to her, she was leaning on the wall with her head back and her eyes were closed. He quickly shoved back his silly assumptions with a chuckle, but somehow his pace slowed down and his eyes were still on the girl a few steps away from him. He noticed how her dress accentuated her curves and the colour complimented her tan skin. He wondered how anyone in that dress could look like someone trying to hard but her black coat and everything about her just made her look classy. She gently parted her lips bringing Louis' full attention to her full red lips. He distantly wondered how shameless he was right now, staring at a strange girl's lips out in public scrutiny but decided that they demanded attention. Her dark hair fell around her face and fit into every contour in its path. Louis licked his very dry lips as a hand touched his shoulder causing him to turn, still in a daze.

"Louis we need to get inside." His bodyguard warned, making Louis realise that he had stopped dead in his tracks. Louis coughed uncomfortably and moved away from the girl's direction to the door, only briefly turning when he saw her move in the side, causing him to turn as his eyes caught in dark confused eyes, dazed for a different reason than his, he wondered with a smile.

"She's probably leaving anyway." Louis mumbled to himself with consolation and regret, causing his body guard to look at him questioningly and Louis giving him a polite head shake.

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