My Name

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 As I sat there once again waiting for him to open the door as I leave. I wondered what would happen, with an heart beat, almost vulgar in it's excitement I dared to speak up once again. He beat me to it this time, speaking up fast, it made me wonder if he wanted beat me to it.

"It's not like we're really into each other." He said looking at his hands on the steering wheel. This time when I saw them, they were gripped tight. I raised my eye brows and remained silent. He turned to look at my expression and went on.

"I mean we have no feelings for each other right?" He looked at me, waiting.

"No we don't." I said curtly. What was the point of this?

"And I mean like you said before nothing can happen because I'm always on tour." He kept looking into my eyes. I felt like someone was twisting my heart viciously, someone was. "And I mean our lives our completely different."

"Louis what is the point of this?" I snapped at him even though I wanted to stay calm.

"My point is." He paused looking at me as if trying to decide something. "Can I up to your flat?" He breathed out.

"What?" I asked a little taken aback but at the same time suspicious. His eyes looked disappointed, that wasn't what he wanted to say. He got out of the car and I followed him, he quietly locked the car and I started walking to my flat as he followed me. We went inside and waited in the lobby for the lift.

"If it doesn't mean anything to either of us." He suddenly said. I sighed and looked at him. "Why can't we just mindlessly bang each other's brains out again." He finished and my eyes went wide and the stomach churned at the raw promise in his sentence.

"I don't see why we can't." I whispered, as he looked at me with shock like I would give him an answer that was different. He opened his mouth to say something but the ding of the elevator made him shut up and both of us quietly walked into the elevator. My heart beating so loud I felt like the steel walls of the elevator vibrated with it. As the door started to close we both kept looking forward.

"Fuck this." He said and turned to cup my face and pull me into needy kiss. My hands almost immediately laced into his hair. The familiarity of this made me want to scream, but instead I moaned into his lips and he mirrored it. Suddenly the elevator came to a pause and the door started to open, signalling my floor. I panicked because Louis made no attempt to break the kiss and someone could easily be standing on the other side. I pushed him to the door, still kissing passionately. Then I pulled away a little and saw no one standing there, with relief I arched back to see if anyone was coming from either side of the corridor. When I saw no one was there I looked back at him then with overwhelming need pulled him back into a kiss as he walked me over to the wall. Slowly I turned and manoeuvred our insane bodies to my door, which was thankfully not very far from the elevator. As I reached the door I rang the door bell then turned around completely so I wouldn't be tempted to kiss him till I was inside. I put my shaky hands inside my bag and searched for my keys, then with great difficulty tried to put it into the key hole.

"If you're using keys then why'd you ring the bell." Louis whispered with a raspy voice in my ear from behind making me gasp and drop the keys. I bent down to pick it up only to have my behind brush against an obvious bulge, I bit my lip as he hissed, trying to not make a noise myself.

"Just checking to see if someone's home." I said with a weak whisper as I carefully put the key in and turned the lock.

"Smart." He said as I opened the door and then pulled me into him once again as he spun me around to push me against the wall and closed the door with the other hand, all at the same time, with enviable precision. He again attached his lips to mine as my hands automatically went to his shirt buttons. He chuckled into my mouth as I expertly opened each button without hesitation or even looking. After I got all his buttons open I shamelessly slid my hands down his chest and then tried to slide his shirt of as his hands left my face to help. He broke away from the kiss and pulled his shirt off and then yanked my t-shirt off. He smirked down at my almost naked frame.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for his." He groaned making me pant harder. "And when I lay eyes on you today, in that tight little t-shirt of yours. God! After months, you're still irresistible." With that he closed the space between us with his lips again as both our hands went to the others jeans. I pulled his belt out with a loud hiss as he opened the buckle of mine, we both pulled it down halfway at the same time then proceeded to pull back to take it off completely.

"I fucking hate skinny jeans." He said with breathless exasperation, I chuckled. I pulled mine of and waited as he got his left foot out. "Finally." He said eyeing me dangerously as my body felt like it was on fire. He pulled me into a kiss as I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pinned me to the wall. A small sliver of rationality came and went as his hands wrapped around my waist and one went lower. I breathed his name out. As he said mine with a weird amount of satisfaction and smiled into my neck as he kissed down it, he then kept repeating it over and over.

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