All I Hold Sacred

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"Here, stop here." I said after giving him direction to the place we could eat.

"A deli?" He asked and looked at me with amusement.

"Yes. I love eating deli food, salads and sandwiches with lean meat." I moaned. His lips parted a little and I quickly added. "They have amazing bagels as well." He hummed while considering it.

"But it's just so healthy, I didn't expect this." He said.

"Are you saying I don't look like I eat healthy?" I said with eyebrows raised. He looked at me then his eyes went wide.

"No no that wasn't what I meant, you just seem to carefree to actually bother about what you put inside your stomach. But I mean I get it, this is why you have you know." He said while looking me up and down, he then coughed. "Flawless skin."

"Thanks." I scoffed but blushed none the less. He opened his door and I opened mine as well. He looked at me from the other side as I dived into my bag to take out my sunglasses, it was very sunny. 

"You should have waited for me to open the door for you." He said with a little pout. "I really enjoy seeing you react to chivalry."

"Calm down Prince of England, let it go once in a while. I did it out of habit anyway. Next time you can do it." He just mumbled and put his aviators on, he walked to the front of the car and waited for me to come beside me. He then walked beside me as we walked to the glass doors of the deli. When we reached it, he pulled the door open and put his hand on the arch of my back and gently pushed me in. As I looked at him, I realised he wasn't even aware of this. He just did it out of habit, I smiled at the floor and walked in.

"Really? A salad and a strawberry smoothie with green stuff in it?" He said with a little annoyance and shock.

"Hey the salad has chicken and I'm sort of a meager eater. The green stuff is kale and all you got is bagel." I said trying not to laugh at his expression.

"I'm on a diet, I'm always on a diet, I have an excuse. And you're right I want some tea as well, want to share a pot?" He said looking up at the menu as we stood there in front of a bored attendant looking down at the computer, casually clicking as we gave him the stuff we wanted.

"Sure but I don't drink my tea with milk." I said as I turned and looked around, it was a little far but still close enough for a few Uni students to walk in after class, I didn't know how to explain the human standing in front of me at the moment, trying to find a good tea.

"English Breakfast or Earl Grey?" He suddenly turned to me with a confused expression and asked.

"English Breakfast is just plain tea, if you want flavourless tea, get Darjeeling, it's much more aromatic and it's got the smoky flavour without that burned taste, or else Earl Grey should be fine."  He looked with admiration as he turned and ordered Darjeeling.

"You're quite the expert in this department aren't you?" He said with the same smile of admiration.

"No I just like being educated in certain departments. Calculated choices are better than random guesses." I said simply and turned around as he followed to go look for a seat. 

"That sounds very boring." He admitted as we sat down.

"No, it's sensible." I corrected him. "I barely ever do anything without being prepared and absolutely ready. Spontaneous decisions usually lead to dangerous repercussions." I said morbidly, thinking back at the months I spend before he came back.

"Was I a calculated move too then?" He said looking at me with an intense face. I stared back at him, thinking about what he just asked. The waiter came around and placed the food in front of us, it gave me a few more moments to think about an answer, but his eyes frozen on mine made it difficult to think. The waiter uncomfortably placed the things and left quickly, possibly sensing the atmosphere.

"You were the exception to all I hold sacred." I said honestly with the same calm tone, when I just blurted out without thinking.

"Is that so?" He said still holding my gaze.

"Yes." I said curtly. "I wasn't prepared for you, even then I let myself be around you long enough for you to be a little more than a night's mistake." I said then added with a laugh, breaking eye contact. "I even let you command me." He gave me the slightest evil smile and picked up his food and took a bite.

"Well you did seem to enjoy it." He said with a low voice.

"Oh I did." I said honestly as I raised my eyebrows suggestively, he smirked in response. "But an exception doesn't change the rule. This is who I am."

"I like it, plus being an exception does make me feel special." He said, expression unchanged.

"It should make you feel used." I said monotonously

"I think we've both used each other equally." He added.

"That's offensive." I said with the same expression.

"I'm apologetic." His face still the same.

"No you aren't."

"No I'm not." His smirk grew wide and I just feigned exasperation and sipped on my smoothie fast so I could drink my tea.

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