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When my eyes fluttered open I was facing the wall. I never realised how dull the paint was. I kept looking at it for a while more, not really thinking about the wall. I was on one edge of the bed, the thought of all that empty space behind me felt strange. I pulled the cover up to my shoulder and turned around. I gasped loudly as I was met with a face inches away from mine.

"Louis! Louis Wake up." I said urgently as I shook him. He just groaned and lifted his arm, which I stopped before he could put it around me. "Louis what are you still doing here wake up." I said a little louder to which he opened his eyes with a lazy smile then they turned wide in realisation.

"Fuck." He said then quickly got up from the bed and started fumbling around looking for his things. I got up as well and went up to him.

"Okay calm down and listen to me. When is your flight?" I asked with my best calm voice.

"It's much later in the night." He said looking at me, visibly calming down.

"Okay good, what else do you have to do before that?" I inquired.

"Oh god! So much. I have to go back to my mom's house to pick up all my things and then go to London." He said panicking a little again. I put a hand on his face to comfort him.

"Okay listen, I'm going to put your clothes on the bed and go make you a sandwich you can take with you. You go shower, okay?" He gave me a smile and thanked me before walking into the bathroom.

I was standing in the kitchen, wrapping a sandwich when I heard a loud bang. I ran to source of the noise, the bathroom. I knocked on the door, my heart pounding at the thought of the worst.

"Louis? Louis are you okay? I heard something." No answer. "Louis I'm coming in okay?" I heard a faint 'okay' and then turned the knob to find the door unlocked. The bathroom looked alright, but the shower cubicle was fogged out of sight. I called out to him again and he responded from the cubicle. I promptly opened the door the find him sitting with his back leaned to the the wall, his left hand cupping his right elbow, and even though he smiled at laughed when he saw me, he winced in pain when he tried to move.

"No don't move you could be seriously hurt. What happened?" I asked gently.

"I slipped, tried grabbing the towel rack but my hand got stuck in it, it came off by the way, I'm very sorry." He said trying to sit up a bit more and winced again.

"That's alright, but don't move, it could be broken." I said kneeling down next to him, I pushed his wet hair back from his eyes as he closed them.

"It is, I can feel it." He said monotonously.

"You don't know that for sure, it could just be a sprain. I said as I eyed his joint carefully.

"I play football love; I know a broken bone when I see one." He was right, you could see the bone.

"Oh god! This is all my fault." I said with a guilty groan. He sighed.

"Yeah, I fell asleep because you are just so comfortable to sleep next to. So it is your fault." He smiled and I let out a small chuckle.

"Okay I'm going to try very gently to pick you up, then we can get dressed and I can take you to the hospital okay?" I said gently again. He smiled amused. He gave me his good arm and I tried my best to lift him up without slipping myself. When we were upright I gently walked him out of the bathroom to get him into some clothes.

"You'd make a good mom." Louis said with a chuckle. He must be delirious from pain. My heart fluttered anyway.

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