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Siddharth sees this. He was seeing all this from a distance

She turns and sees a guy.

Avneet - Yes?
Guy - Umm..hi.
Avneet - Hi.
Guy - My name is neeraj.
Avneet - Ok.
Neeraj - What's yours?
Avneet - Avneet Kaur.
Neeraj - Nice name cutie. (he said pulling her cheek)

Avneet blush.

Siddharth's blood boiled after seeing this.

Neeraj - So friends?

He said forwarding his hand.

Avneet - Okay!

She said accepting his hand gladly.

Neeraj - Ok so let's sit and talk.
Avneet - No, actually I m having class. I will see you later. Ok bye.
Neeraj - Ok bye.

Avneet goes to her class and neeraj goes and sits in canteen.

Siddharth's P.O.V

How dare this neeraj to talk to my avneet?!! I will kill him.

I walk towards him and sit there.

Siddharth - Hi neeraj.
Neeraj - Hi siddharth.
Siddharth - I think we need to talk.
Neeraj - Ya say.
Siddharth - Not here. Let's go somewhere. Come with me.
Neeraj - Okay!

That's great. Now I will teach you a lesson.

I took neeraj behind the college building.

Siddharth - So what do you think about avneet?
Neeraj - She is hot and sexy too.

My blood boiled after hearing this.

Siddharth - So would you like to date her?
Neeraj - Yes! I would love to do that. I have asked her to be my friend and she also said yes. And you know na friendship is love...I am sure she will fall for me soon.

Now it's enough. Within a second I grab his collar and punch him on his nose. He fell on ground, I grab his hairs and pull him towards me.
I kicked him on his stomach.

Siddharth - SHE IS MINE, ONLY MINE. You better stay away from her. Got it?

Neeraj nodded his head in yes.

Siddharth - I want answer in words.
Neeraj - Y..yes.
Siddharth - Good..Now spread this news in the whole college that she is mine. ONLY MINE. Got it?
Neeraj - Y..yes.

Neeraj runs from there.

Now I have to make sure avneet will stay away from boys here.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Neeraj directly runs in college. He was running in the corridor and he bumped into avneet.

He looks at her and became more scared.

Avneet - Hey...you look scared? What happened?
Neeraj - N..nothing.
Avneet - You sure?
Neeraj - Yes!
Avneet - Ok! But who did your this condition?..Blood is coming out of your nose, you are crying badly. Who did this?
Neeraj - Leave this and tell me why didn't you told me that you are siddharth's girlfriend?
Avneet - WHAT?!
Neeraj - Yes!
Avneet - I am not his girlfriend.
Neeraj - But he said that you are only his and he is the one who did this to me.
Avneet - What?
Neeraj - Yes!
Avneet - You leave this, I will see him later. First let's go to medical room.
Neeraj - No, I will go by myself. If siddharth will again see you with me then this time he will kill me.

After saying this he left.

Avneet's P.O.V

What is all this going on? I mean why siddharth told to neeraj that I am his..We have only met today...Ugh! I need to talk to him, but I m having lecture right now. This is last lecture I will ask him about this after college.

After saying this I went to attend my lecture.

Skips to afternoon

My last lecture was ended. I comes out of the class and I though that now I will ask to siddharth about this. I was searching him. I was walking in corridor when all the people were staring me. But why? Am I a ghost? Some girls were giving death glares to me as it was like they are jealous of me. But why?

They all were talking. I thought to overheard their conversation. Then I saw a small group of 4 girls.

I tried to overheard their conversation but then what I listened made me shocked...They all were talking about me and siddharth.

Not only them the whole college were talking about me and siddharth. They all are saying that I am his but why?

Now I urgently need to talk to him.

I started searching him then my eyes fell on arishfa. She must know where he is. I walk towards her.

Avneet - Ari do you know where is sid?
Arishfa - So eager to meet your boyfriend, huh? 😏 (she said with a smirk)

Ugh! I don't wanna get tease.

Avneet - First of all he is not my boyfriend, second just tell me where he is?
Arishfa - Ok girl cool down..He is in chemistry lab.
Avneet - Ok!

I quickly made my way towards chemistry lab. I reach there and took a deep breath and open the door and enters inside.

I saw him standing there. He was talking on call.

Avneet - Umm..sid.

Siddharth look towards me, a smile came on his face and he cutted his call.

Siddharth - Hi avu.
Avneet - Sid can we talk?
Siddharth - Ya say.

He said stepping closer towards me. I also step back until I hit the wall. With both of his hands he block my way of going.

Siddharth - Say avu.
Avneet - Umm..the whole college is talking about us. I don't know why they all are thinking that I am yours.

He removed his hands from the wall and interwine our hands and pinned my hands above my head.

Siddharth - Becoz you are mine.
Avneet - No, I am not.
Siddharth - You are.
Avneet - When I became yours?
Siddharth - When my eyes fell on you.
Avneet - I am not yours.
Siddharth - You are.
Avneet - What if I will say no?
Siddharth - You have to be mine. No matter what.
Avneet - I am not your, get this inside your head.

After saying this I pushed him away and goes from there.

Like seriously why does he think that I am his!...I m not his.

I was passing from the library then someone hold my hand and pull me inside the library. I was shocked to see the person. It was none another than siddharth.

Siddharth - Avu stop running from me.
Avneet - Then stop calling me yours.
Siddharth - That I will never stop.
Avneet - Then I will also not stop running from you.
Siddharth - Avu, look.

He cupped my face and said - "You are mine, only mine and if you will try to stay away from me then babe it willl not work at all".

Avneet - Stay away from me, sid.
Siddharth - That I will not. Ok?

Then he started moving towards my lips. I was shocked. Is he really going to kiss me?!!..Nooo! This can't happen. I tried to push him but no use, he didn't even move a bit. I closed my eyes in fear and it's been few seconds but I didn't felt his lips on mine.

I opened my eyes and saw him. He was looking at me and smirking.

Siddharth - Don't worry I am not going to kiss you now but soon we will have our first kiss 😉. (he said with a wink)


To be continued.

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