12. He is a playboy!

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Skips to next day
In morning

We went to airport, we reached there, and check in. After an hour our flight came and we all sits and reached mumbai. We goes to our respective homes.

God I am so tired right now. I quickly takes my clothes and goes in bathroom. I takes a shower and wear clothes and laid down on bed and slept.

Skips to evening

I wake up, it is 6 pm right now. I goes in kitchen and makes coffee. I served it, sits in hall. I opened whatsapp in my phone and started drinking then I remember what that guy said. He said that sid belongs to mafia. I hate mafia...I think that guy lied to me, but what if he was saying the truth?  I should talk to sid about this. I dailed siddharth's number, he picked up call after 2 rings.

Conversation on call

Siddharth - Hey love.

I blush and said - Hey.

Siddharth - Missing me?
Avneet - Umm..yes! Can we meet right now?
Siddharth - Yes! Btw where?
Avneet - Cafe near my home.
Siddharth - Okay!

Then I cut the call. I goes in my room, change my clothes and did a little bit make up and keep my hairs open. Then I comes out of the home and lock the door and goes to cafe. I sees him already sitting there, waiting for me.

I walk towards him. He sees me and a smile came on his face, I also smiled back. He hugs me, I also hugs him back. We breaks the hug and sits. Waiter came and we give our order and waiter goes from here.

Siddharth - Hey avu.
Avneet - Hi.
Siddharth - You wanted to meet. Anything important?
Avneet - Yes! I want to talk to you.
Siddharth - What is it, love?
Avneet - Don't call me love.
Siddharth - Why?
Avneet - I am serious, sid.
Siddharth - What happened?
Avneet - Are you from mafia?

Siddharth looked at me in shocked.

Avneet - Answer me, sid.
Siddharth - Who told you this?
Avneet - It doesn't matter. Just tell me is it true or not.
Siddharth - Avu listen to me pls.
Avneet - Sid just say is it true or not.
Siddharth - Avu I...
Avneet - Sid answer me.

He looked deep in my eyes and said - "Yes!".

Now this hurted me. He never told me about this. I quickly gets up.

Siddharth - Avu listen to me.
Avneet - Why didn't you told me the truth?
Siddharth - I was about to tell you.
Avneet - Just go away sid.

I turn and was about to go but he hold my wrist and stopped me. I tried to get my hand out of his hold but failed. I turn towards him.

Avneet - Leave my hand, sid.
Siddharth - Avu listen to me. Pls. I can explain this.
Avneet - I don't need any explanation.
Siddharth - Avu hear me out once.
Avneet - There's nothing left for listening.

He hold my wrist and pulled me out of the cafe. He pinned me against the wall and said - "Listen to me pls".

Avneet - What is it?
Siddharth - I know I hide truth from you and I am sorry about this. But...

I cuts him in between - But what huh?

Siddharth - I know you are in anger right now but listen to me. I know I hide things from you and I am sorry for this.

I didn't said anything I just looked away.

Siddharth - There's one more thing you don't know.

I looked at him. He continued saying.

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