5. Stay away from me!

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Currently siddharth's P.O.V is going on.

We talked a little then I excused me and avu from there. I hold her wrist and drag her out of the canteen. We were walking in corridor. She was trying to get her wrist out of my hold but she failed. Well...baby you are not strong enough to get out of my hold.

I quickly drag her in an empty classroom and quick closed the door. I turns around and started walking towards her.

She was stepping back until she hit the wall. I pinched her hands above her head.

Siddharth - Why the hell you were talking to riyaz?!!
Avneet - What do you mean?
Siddharth - I said, "Why the hell you were talking to riyaz?!!''.

I shouted on her. She became scared but shouted back.

Avneet - It's my life I will decide to whom I will talk to or not!!
Siddharth - No you can't.
Avneet - Yes I can. And who the hell are you to ask me why I talked to him?
Siddharth - I am your boyfriend.
Avneet - When you became my boyfriend?
Siddharth - The day I laid my eyes on you.
Avneet - Siddharth shut up and just let me go.

She said trying to get out of my hold. My grip on her even tights.

Siddharth - Avu don't make me angry.
Avneet - Why? What you will do, huh?
Siddharth - Avu look he is not a good guy. Stay away from him.
Avneet - You are saying like you are a good guy.
Siddharth - I know I am a bad boy, but at least you are safe with me.
Avneet - Oh really?!
Siddharth - Yes!
Avneet - I don't think so.
Siddharth - Avu...

She cuts me in between - Siddharth just let me go.

Siddharth - I will but not before this.

After saying this I moved towards her neck. I started bitting there until I leave a hickey. Then I step back and left her hands.

Siddharth - Now I have even marked you as mine. Now stay away from him.
Avneet - What?! You marked me as yours!!

She quickly takes out her phone and looks at her neck and found a hickey. She looks at me in anger. God! She looks so cute in anger. I seriously want to kiss her pink lips.

But what she did next made me shocked and angry both.

She fucking slapped me!!!


I looked at her in anger.

Avneet - Mr. Siddharth Nigam after what you did now I should must say 1 thing, STAY AWAY FROM ME, I AM NEVER GONNA FALL FOR YOU, SIDDHARTH.

A tear fall from her eyes.

Oh shit! She is crying becoz of me. She just pushed me and runs from there.

Then I remember what she said. She said that she will never fall for me. Her words hurted me really badly. She even asked me to stay away from her. But she don't know 1 thing, SHE IS ONLY MINE.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Avneet's P.O.V

I runs from there. I went in canteen and sits there. Like seriously!! How dare he to leave a hickey on my neck!! Now I hate him more. I will never fall for a guy like him.

I was sitting there busy in my thoughts when riyaz came and sit beside me.

Avneet - Hi.
Riyaz - Hi...Btw avneet why siddharth pulled you out of the canteen when we were talking?
Avneet - Umm..I seriously don't wanna talk about it. Pls.
Riyaz - Ok fine.

Then we talked a little then he said he is having a lecture so he left. I should must say that riyaz is a really nice guy. He is amazing. He is having a really good sense of humor, at least he is far better than siddharth.

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