10. Jealous avneet

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Skips to evening
It is 6 pm

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

Currently I am in my home, sitting in hall using my phone. Then my phone started ringing. It was from arishfa. I attends the call.

Arishfa - Hey avu.
Avneet - Hi ari.
Arishfa - Free right now?
Avneet - Yes!
Arishfa - I and vaish are together right now and we are coming at your home to pick you. Be ready we are going out.
Avneet - Where?
Vaishnavi - For shopping. We are coming there in 20 minutes, be ready.
Avneet - Okay!

After saying this I cuts the call. I goes in my room, change my clothes and did a little make up. I keep my hairs open then door bell rings. It must be ari and vaish. I look myself in mirror for last time then I took my phone and goes to open the door. I sees ari and vaish.

Avneet - Hi.
Arishfa and vaishnavi - Hi...Let's go.
Avneet - Sure.

I locked the door and sits in car. Vaish drives the car towards mall. We reached there and goes inside. We selected alot of dresses. We buy all of them and payed the bill and comes out of mall.

It is 9 pm now.

Arishfa - Guys let's go club.
Vaishnavi - Nice idea.
Avneet - Umm..you guys go I m not coming.
Vaishnavi - Why?
Arishfa - You should come avu.
Avneet - Umm..what about sid? What if he will get to know?
Arishfa - Oh come on avu nothing will happen.
Vaishnavi - Yes come, pls avu.
Avneet - But...
Arishfa - I said na avu that you are coming and that's final.
Avneet - Umm..fine.
Vaishnavi - Good.

We sits in car and vaish drives the car towards club. We reached there and goes inside. We goes to bar section.

Arishfa - 3 whiskey pls.

She ordered the drink, bar tender makes it and serves us. We drinks it.

Vaishnavi - Let's go to dance floor.
Avneet - Ya!

We all three goes to dance floor. We were dancing and laughing together. Honestly I am enjoying alot. I was dancing then someone came from behind and wrap his arms around my waist, he buried his face in my neck and started sucking my soft spot. I moaned softly. Is it sid? Hope not.

I quickly remove that person's hand from my waist and turn and sees siddharth. My eyes were wide opened.

Avneet - Umm..sid.
Siddharth - Yes!
Avneet - Voh..actually...
Siddharth - We need to talk.
Avneet - Umm..ya.

He hold my hand and pulled me out of the club. He pinned me against the wall. He interwine our hands together and pinned my hands above my head.

Siddharth - You didn't told me you were coming here.
Avneet - It wasn't planned. I went on a shopping with ari and vaish, after shopping they told me to come here. I told that I should not go but they forced me to come here.
Siddharth - Don't you dare to go out without telling me.

After saying this he started placing wet kisses on my jawline.

Avneet - Umm..sid it's late, I should go home back.

Then he stepped back.

Siddharth - Ok I will drop you.
Avneet - Okay!

Then we goes to parking area. We sits in his car and siddharth drives the car towards my home. We reached there.

Avneet - Bye.
Siddharth - Bye.

I opened the door and goes inside my home.

Skips to next day
In morning

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