15. Date ❤

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

I goes in my room and change my clothes and did a little bit make up and comes out of the room.

I am excited for the date!

Avneet - Let's go.

He stares me from top to toe. He walk closer to me and keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer.

Siddharth - Looking gorgeous.

I blush and said - Thanks.

He started moving towards my lips, he was about to kiss me but I keep my finger between our lips and pushed him away lightly.

Avneet - Let's go.
Siddharth - Ugh..fine.

We comes out of the home and sit in car and siddharth drives the car towards cafe. We reach there and goes inside. We sits and give our orders. We talked and comes out of the cafe. We sits in car and he started driving towards my home. We were on the way only then it suddenly started raining.

Avneet - Sid stop the car!!

I shouted. He also gets scared and stopped the car.

Siddharth - What happened, cutie?
Avneet - It's raining.
Siddharth - So what?
Avneet - Let's go out.
Siddharth - No!
Avneet - Why?
Siddharth - You will catch cold.
Avneet - Nothing will happen, pls.
Siddharth - But...

I peck his lips and said - "Nothing will happen".

I comes out of the car and started dancing in rain.

Avneets P.O.V ends.

Siddharth's P.O.V

She comes out of the car and started dancing in rain. I also comes out of the car and started admiring her with a smile on my face. I didn't even realize that she came and stands in front of me. She snapped her fingers in front of me then I came back from my la la land.

Avneet - Where are you lost?
Siddharth - Umm..nowhere.

I keep my hands on her waist and pull her closer. She rested her hands on my chest.

I capture her lips with mine. We started smooching each other's lips. My hands were already on her waist, I pulled her closer. She keep her 1 hand around my neck and with the other one she start caressing my hairs. I pick her up, she wrap her legs around my torso. I made her sit on car's bonnet.

We breaks the kiss after 5 minutes. I move towards her neck and started sucking her neck. She moaned softly. I started placing wet kisses on her jawline to her clevage. She moaned loudly. I again capture her lips with mine, we started smooching each other's lips. We breaks the kiss after 5 minutes. We rested our foreheads together.

Siddharth - Avu let's go home, you will catch cold.
Avneet - Ugh..fine.

She gets down from the bonnet and we sits in car and I drives the car back towards her home. We reached there. She hugs me, I also hugs her back. We breaks the hug.

Avneet - Bye.
Siddharth - Bye.

I peck her lips and she comes out of the car and goes inside her home. I also drives the car back towards my home.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Skips to next day
In morning

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I wake up, get ready and goes to college. I reached there and goes inside. I sees siddharth, he was standing in corridor, using his phone. I goes towards him.

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