17. Busy sid

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Avneet - Touch him or threat him once, I am breaking up with you.
Siddharth - What?
Avneet - And I am not going to give you another chance.
Siddharth - But avu...

She keep her index finger on his lips and said - "Shh".

Both were looking into each others eyes. He hold her arm and pinned her against the wall. He move towards her lips, she closed her eyes waiting for his lips to touch her. Then their lips met, they started smooching each other's. He keep his hands on her waist and pull her closer to deepen the kiss.

She keep her 1 hand around his neck and with the other one she start caressing his hairs. They breaks the kiss after 5 minutes.

He move towards her neck and started sucking her soft spot. She moaned his name softly. He started placing wet kisses on her jawline to her cleavage. She moaned loudly. He again capture her lips with his, they started smooching her lips. He interwine their hands together and pinned her hands above her head. They breaks the kiss after 5 minutes.

Avneet - Let's go inside.
Siddharth - Sure.

They goes inside.

Siddharth - So, beautiful wanna dance 😉?

He asked for her hand.

She blush and said - Yes!

She accept his hand and both goes to dance floor. He keep his hands on her waist and pull her closer and interwine their 1 hand together. She keep her 1 hand on his shoulder and other one was interwined with his. Both were dancing looking into each other's eyes. He twirled her around. After a minute song came to end, they left each other and goes to bar section.

Siddharth - Wanna drink?
Avneet - Yes!
Siddharth - 2 whiskey please.

He ordered the drink. Bar tender makes it and serves them. They drinks it.

Siddharth - 1 more drink.

He ordered, bar tender makes it and serves him. He drinks it.

Siddharth - 1 more drink.

He ordered, bar tender makes it and serves him. He was about to drink it but avneet takes the glass from his hand.

Avneet - Sid you are not going to drink this.
Siddharth - But why?
Avneet - Sid drinking this much is not good for health.
Siddharth - Chill avu, nothing will happen.
Avneet - But still sid.
Siddharth - Come on avu, nothing will happen.

He grab the glass from her hand and drinks it. He drinks few more drinks, after few drinks siddharth is drunk.

Avneet - Sid you are drunk, we are going home back.
Siddharth - But...
Avneet - We are going home back and that's final.
Siddharth - Ugh..fine.

Avneet hold his hand and takes him out from there. They reached at his car, she open car's door for him, he sits inside and she close the door. She sits on driver seat and she drives the car towards her home. They reach there and goes inside.

Avneet - Sid you can sleep in this room, I will sleep in another.

He hold her arm and pinned her against the wall.

Siddharth - We can sleep in one room together 😉.

She blush.

He interwine their hands together and pinned her hands above her head. He move towards her lips, their lips were about to met but she pushed him.

Avneet - Sid, you are drunk. Just go to bed and sleep.
Siddharth - We can do something more except sleeping 😏.
Avneet - S..something more means?
Siddharth - Come on avu, do I really have to tell you what something more mean.
Avneet - Sid, you should sleep.
Siddharth - But avu...

She keep her index finger on his lips and said - Shh.

Both were looking into each other's eyes, he remove her finger from his lips. He move towards her lips and their lips were about to met but she keep her finger between their lips.

Avneet - Sid sleep.

She hold his hand and takes him to bed.

Avneet - Now laid down on bed.

He did what she said.

Avneet - Now sleep.

She turn and takes a step but he hold her hand and pull her. She landed on him. Both were looking into each other's eyes. He slowly change the position by pinning her to bed. He slowly move towards her lips and was about to kiss her but he passed out. She pushed him and gets up from bed. She goes in another room and slept.

Skips to next day
In morning
At siddharth's side

Siddharth's P.O.V

I wakes up with a bad headache. I look around and found myself in avu's room. Why I am in avu's room? And where is she? I gets up from bed and comes out of the room and sees avu making breakfast in kitchen. I goes and hugs her from behind. I placed a kiss on her shoulder.

Siddharth - Good morning, love.
Avneet - What good morning?

She remove my hands from her waist and turn towards me.

Siddharth - What happened?
Avneet - Sid you were drunk last night.
Siddharth - Umm..I am sorry.
Avneet - What sorry? I told you not to drink that much.

I keep my hands on her waist and pull her closer and said - I am sorry, avu. Please forgive me.

Avneet - But...
Siddharth - Pls.
Avneet - Fine.

I capture her lips with mine, we started smooching each other's lips. She keep her 1 hand around my neck and with the other one she start caressing my hairs. We breaks the kiss after 5 minutes. I placed a long kiss on her forehead.

Siddharth - I love you.
Avneet - I love you too.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Few months passed.

Avneet's P.O.V

Right now I am in college library. My and siddharth's relationship is not well nowdays. He don't have time for me from past few months. In the starting of our relationship he was so romantic and caring. He used to spend time with me but now he don't have time for me.

He is always busy with his mafia work or doing workout. I was thinking about siddharth then my eyes fell on him. I walk towards him. He was talking on call.

Avneet - Hey siddharth.

He looks at me and said - Hi.

Avneet - Umm..can we talk?
Siddharth - Not now avu, I am busy right now.

He peck my lips and said - We will talk later, bye.

After saying this he goes from there. God! Why don't he have time for me?!

I goes in canteen and sees everyone sitting there. I goes and sits with them.

Avneet - Hey.
All - Hi.
Vaishnavi - Avu I am throwing a party at my farmhouse so I hope you are in.
Avneet - Umm...
Abhishek - Come on avu, you have to come.
Avneet - Umm..ok fine.

We talked for few minutes then lunch got over and we all goes back to our respective classes.

Skips to night

I get ready and goes to vaish's party. Everyone were there, some were dancing, some were drinking. I goes to bar section and ordered a drink. Bar tender makes it and serves me, I drinks it. Then a guy came and sits beside me.

Guy - Hey.
Avneet - Hi.
Guy - Sitting here alone?
Avneet - Yes!
Guy - Wanna dance?
Avneet - Sure.

He hold my hand and takes me to dance floor. A romantic song plays. He keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer. He interwine our 1 hand together. I keep my 1 hand on his shoulder and the other one was interwined with his. We were dancing looking into each other's eyes. After a minute song came to end, we left each other and goes to bar section.

We were talking then I felt two arms around my waist and it is siddharth, I recognize the touch. I turn towards him and said - "What do you want?".


To be continued.

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