28. Marriage

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Avneet - Sid, pls leave my hand, you are hurting me!

After few seconds he left my hand. I look at my hand, a tear fall from my eyes. I sees his fingers mark on my hand, he also noticed it.

God! He was holding my hand so tightly that he left his mark on my hand.

Siddharth - I am so sorry, avu. I shouldn't have hold your hand like this. I am so sorry.
Avneet - Sid, go from here.
Siddharth - Avu, I know I did wrong, I am so sorry.
Avneet - Siddharth, leave!!

I shouted on him.

Siddharth - Fine, I am going but I will come tomorrow.

He goes from there. How can he hold my hand like this? A tear fall from my eyes. I goes to bed and slept thinking about sid.

Skips to next day
In morning

I wake up, get ready and goes to college. I enters in canteen and goes and order a coffee. I take my coffee and sits on a table and started drinking it. I am using my phone then someone came and sits beside me. I look at the person, it is sid.

Siddharth - Avu.
Avneet - Go away, I am busy.
Siddharth - Avu, I know you are angry from me, pls forgive me. I know I did a mistake. I m sorry.

I didn't said anything, I just rolled my eyes.

Siddharth - Please avu.

I look at him and saw him looking at me with a puppy eyes.

Avneet - Ugh..fine.
Siddharth - Thank you.

He said in an excitement and kissed my cheek. I chuckled.

Siddharth - Well, I am having lecture, I have to go. Bye.
Avneet - Bye.

He peck my lips and goes from there.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Skips to next day

In night

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I am in my room, getting ready. Sid told me that there's a surprise for me and I am super excited for this. I push my thoughts away and get ready and hear sound of blowing horn, I goes in balcony and sees sid standing with his car.

I goes back to my room and check myself in mirror and goes. I comes out of the home and stands in front of him.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Siddharth's P.O.V

Today I am planning a surprise for avu. Today I am going to propose her for marriage. I was standing in front of her home then she come out. She comes and stand in front of me, she is looking so beautiful. I stare her from top to toe.

Siddharth - You are looking beautiful, love.

She blush and said - Thanks.

Avneet - You are looking handsome too.

I blush and said - Thanks.

Siddharth - Well, let's go.

I said opening the door of her for her.

Avneet - Where are we going?
Siddharth - It's a surprise, you will get to know it soon.
Avneet - Ugh..fine.

She sits inside the car and I close the door. I myself sit on driver seat and started driving the car.

Avneet - Where are we going?
Siddharth - It's a surprise, avu.

After saying this I blind folded her and started driving the car.

Avneet - Sid where are we going?
Siddharth - It's a surprise, avu.
Avneet - Ugh!..Tell me na.
Siddharth - Shh..keep quiet. It's a surprise, we will reach there soon.
Avneet - Fine 🙄.

After few minutes I stopped the car. I gets out of the car and opened door for her. She hold my hand for support and comes out of the car.

Avneet - Sid now tell me what's the surprise.
Siddharth - I will not tell you.
Avneet - Ugh!
Siddharth - Don't be angry. Ok fine I m showing you the surprise.
Avneet - Okay!

I undid her blind fold and she slowly opened her eyes slowly. And by her expression I could tell that she is surprised.

Avneet - OMG! It's beautiful!

She said admiring the decorations. She turn towards me, I kneel down on my kness and takes out a box from my pocket, I open it, it have a ring inside it.

Siddharth - I don't know from where to start, avu. I fell for you the day I saw you in corridor. I know I am possesive and this is the thing which you won't like at all. I promise you to control my possessiveness...Well, you are already mine but still I want to ask, Ms. Avneet Kaur will you be Mrs. Avneet Siddharth Nigam?

She got tears in her eyes.

Avneet - Yes!

I became so happy. I made her wear the ring and gets up and hugs her, she also hugs me back. We breaks the hug.

Siddharth - I love you.
Avneet - I love you too.

I place a long kiss on her forehead.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

5 years later

Avneet is sitting in room, wearing red bridal lehenga.

Avneet's P.O.V

I am waiting for this day from past 5 years. Now that day have came, finally I am getting married to the love of my life. Siddharth is possessive but he loves me alot and I love him too.

P.O.V ends.

Vaishnavi enters in room.

Vaishnavi - Avu ready?
Avneet - Yes!
Vaishnavi - You are looking so beautiful.
Avneet - Thanks.
Vaishnavi - Sid will not able to control himself tonight.

Avneet blush very hard.

Vaishnavi - Don't blush much.

Abhishek enters in room.

Abhishek - Looking beautiful, avu.
Avneet - Thanks.
Abhishek - Avu, let's go.
Avneet - Okay!

Avneet hold abhishek's hand, they started walking towards mandak.

Siddharth was sitting there, waiting for avneet. Avneet goes and sit beside him.

Siddharth whisper slowly - Looking beautiful.

Avneet blush and whisper back - Thanks, you are also looking handsome.

Siddharth whisper back - Thanks.

Then ritual starts. They got up and take 7 rounds around fire. First siddharth was in front, then avneet. Then they sit down. Siddharth take little bit sindoor in his hands and sprinkle it on avneet's middle partition.

In last siddharth ties mangalsootra around her neck.

Then priest said - "Vivah sampann hua''.

They take blessing from their elders.

Siddharth - I love you.
Avneet - I love you too.

Siddharth kissed her forehead.

Then they live happily after that.

                         THE END


So guys this is the last chapter of this book. Hope you guys like the book. Share your experience in comment section.
Thank You!

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