7. You went on a date!

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Riyaz - Where are you lost?
Avneet - Umm..nowhere.
Riyaz - Ya so I was asking that are you coming on a date with me?
Avneet - Umm..yes.
Riyaz - Great. In evening at 6. I will pick you from your home.
Avneet - Okay! Bye.

He kissed my forehead and said - "Bye".

Then I went from there. I goes in my class and attend my lecture.
Whole day passed. Sid didn't came to college today. I was back at home.
I get fresh and ordered lunch. Well..Today I am having a date.

It's 5 pm right now. Riyaz will come at 6 pm. I should start getting ready. I took a shower, selects a dress and wear it. I did make up and hair and then I am ready.

It is 6 pm, riyaz must be coming. I was sitting on bed using my phone then door bell rings. It must be riyaz. I went to open the door and sees riyaz.

He hugs me, I also hugs him back.

Riyaz - Hey avu.
Avneet - Hi riyaz.

We breaks the hug.

Riyaz - Let's go.
Avneet - Sure.

We comes out of my home and sits in car and riyaz drives the car towards cafe. We reached there and goes inside. We talked for an hour then he drove me home back.

Well..the date was amazing. Riyaz is really funny. He is having a really good sense of humor.

Skips to next day
In morning

I wake up, get ready and goes to college. I was walking in corridor when someone hold my hand and drag me inside the library.

I sees the person, it was siddharth. He looked angry.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Siddharth's P.O.V

I was absent yesterday, I was out of the town becoz of some work. Last night I got to know that avu went on a date with riyaz. I wanna talk to her about this. Currently I am in college and I saw her walking in corridor. I hold her wrist and drag her inside the library.

I could tell that she was shocked by seeing me, probably expecting someone else. I started walking towards her, she also step back until she hit the wall. I interwine our hands together and pinned her hands above her head.

Siddharth - Hey.
Avneet - Hi...Where you were yesterday?
Siddharth - I was out of the town becoz of some work...You know what?
Avneet - What?
Siddharth - I got to heard that you went on a date.

She became shocked when I said this. Her eyes were wide opened.

Siddharth - I just want to know that is it true or not?
Avneet - Sid...
Siddharth - Just tell me is it true or not?
Avneet - Sid listen to me...
Siddharth - Just tell me is it true or not!!!

I shouted on her, she became scared.

Avneet - I..it is true.
Siddharth - I was absent for 1 day and you went on a date.
Avneet - Sid it was just a date nothing else.
Siddharth - What do you mean by, "it was just a date?!".
Avneet - Stop overreacting.
Siddharth - I am not overreacting.
Avneet - You are. And who are you to ask me why I went on a date?
Siddharth - How many times I have to told you that I am your boyfriend.
Avneet - And how many time I also have to told you that you are not my boyfriend. We are just friends.
Siddharth - We are not just friends and tell me who told you to went on a date, huh?
Avneet - No one, I went becoz I wanted to.
Siddharth - Avu don't you even try to go near him. I swear I will kill him.
Avneet - Sid control your over possessiveness.
Siddharth - Just stay away from him.
Avneet - I won't.
Siddharth - Why?
Avneet - Why would I stay away from him? He is my really good friend.
Siddharth - Avu just stay away from him. Don't even think of talking to him.
Avneet - I will.
Siddharth - Fine then let me show you what will happen if you will go near him.

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