16. Jealous avneet 🔥

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

He looks hot without his shirt...What are you thinking, avu? We have broken up. He comes and sits on bed beside me. He keeps his hands on my waist and pull me closer. I rested my hands on his chest. God I am getting weak! We were looking into each other's eyes.

Siddharth - Avu I know you want me.

He said moving closer to my lips.

Siddharth - And I want you too.

God! He is seducing me. I gulped down my saliva.

He placed his lips on mine, I closed my eyes feeling the moment. He started smooching my lips, I was trying my best to control but this was the limit. I kissed him back. He pulled me in his lap, I wrap my legs around his torso. I keep my 1 hand around his neck and with the other one I start caressing his hairs. Firstly the kiss was slow, but soon it turned into wild and passionate. After 5 minutes we breaks the kiss.

He pinned me against the bed and comes over me. He capture my lips with his again, we started smooching each other's lips. We were kissing each other then my phone rings. We breaks the kiss and I came back in senses. I pushed him and gets up from there. I attend the call and talked and then hang up the call. I turn towards him.

Siddharth - Let's continue what we were doing.

He said moving towards my lips but I pushed him.

Avneet - I am going home back.

Then I walked away from there. I goes to my home and change my clothes and slept.

Skips to next day
In morning

I wake up, get ready and goes to college. I reach there and goes inside. I was passing from library then someone hold her wrist and pull me inside the library, I sees the person, it is siddharth.

Avneet - Why you pulled me inside like this?

He started stepping closer, I also step back until I hit the wall. He interwine our hands together and pinned my hands above my head.

Siddharth - You are looking beautiful today.

I blush.

He rub his thumb on my lower lip. He started moving towards my lips, his lips were about to touch mine but I pushed him.

Avneet - Don't forget that we have broken up.
Siddharth - Ugh..Avu pls, I want to be in a relationship again.
Avneet - Then control your possessiveness, I will be with you again.
Siddharth - Fine. I will try my best.
Avneet - Okay!
Siddharth - So we are good?
Avneet - Promise me that you will control your possessiveness.
Siddharth - I promise, I will try my best.
Avneet - Good.
Siddharth - So we are good?
Avneet - Yes!

He quickly capture my lips with his, we started smooching each other's lips. He keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer. I keep my 1 hand around his neck and with the other one I start caressing his hairs. In the starting the kiss was slow and passionate but soon it turned into wild. We breaks the kiss after 5 minutes.

He picks me up, I wrap my legs around his torso. He made me sit on table. He again capture my lips with his, we started smooching each other's lips. We breaks the kiss after a minute. He move towards my neck and started sucking my soft spot. I moaned softly.

He started placing wet kisses on my jawline to my clevage. I moaned loudly. He again capture my lips with his, we started smooching each other's lips. He keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer. I keep my 1 hand around his neck and with the other one I start caressing his hairs. We breaks the kiss after 5 minutes. He rested his forehead against mine.

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