9. Drunk avu

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Siddharth - So you think I am cute and sexy?
Avneet - Of course you are...But I don't like when you get angry, the way you put restrictions on me, I hate this.
Siddharth - I do this becoz I love you avu and I can't afford loosing you.
Avneet - Don't you trust me?
Siddharth - I trust you but not others.

Then we reached towards my car, I opened the door and made her sit on passenger seat and close the door. I myself sit on driver seat and drives the car towards her home.

Journey was silent. We reached there. I pick her again in my arms in bridal style and take her to her home. We enters in her room.

I made her sit on bed. I went and close the door, turn and sees avneet seeing me in a seducive way. She walk towards me. She keep her hands around my neck which make me wrap his hands around her waist.

She started opening button of my shirt.

Siddharth - What are you doing, avu?
Avneet - You know what I am doing 😉.

She throws my shirt away and keep her hands on my chest.

Avneet - Sid take me right here, right now.
Siddharth - Avu let's sleep. I don't want you to regret it later.
Avneet - I won't regret it.
Siddharth - Avu let's sleep.
Avneet - We can do something more except sleeping 😉.
Siddharth - S..something more means?
Avneet - Come on sid do I really have to tell you what ''something more'' means?
Siddharth - Umm..Avu try to understand what I am saying. Let's sleep.
Avneet - You are really desperate to sleep with me, huh?
Siddharth - I didn't mean that.
Avneet - I know what you mean.

After saying this she moved towards my neck, she started sucking and licking my soft spot. I moaned in pleasure. God it is getting hard to control. I pushed her lightly.

Siddharth - Avu let's sleep.
Avneet - No!

I picked her up and throw her over my shoulder and start walking towards her bed. I throw her on bed, I turns and was about to leave but she hold my wrist and pulled me closer.

Avneet - Sid don't leave me.
Siddharth - I am not leaving you.

Then she started moving towards my lips, she was about to kiss me but she passed out. I remove heels from her feet and made her laid on bed properly. I kissed her forehead, and was about to leave but she hold my wrist.

I turn and sees her sleeping. I tried to get out of her hold but failed. Then I slept beside her.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Skips to next day
In morning

Avneet's P.O.V

I wake up with a bad headache. I saw siddharth sleeping beside me shirtless...God!! What happened last night?...Hope not what I am thinking. I should wake him up and ask him.

Avneet - Siddharth wake up.

I takes his name twice then he wakes up.

Siddharth - Good morning avu.
Avneet - Sid leave this and, tell me what happened last night?
Siddharth - Umm....leave it. We have to go to college, I am going home back. I will see you directly in college. Ok bye

Siddharth was about to step out of bed but I hold his wrist and stop him. He turn towards me.

Avneet - Don't change the topic, just tell me what happened last night?

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Siddharth's P.O.V

I was about to step out of the bed but she hold my wrist and stop me. I turn towards her.

Avneet - Don't change the topic, just tell me what happened last night?

A smirk appear on my face. I thought of playing with her a little.

Siddharth - Do you really want to know what happened last night?
Avneet - Yes!
Siddharth - Think once again.
Avneet - Just tell me what happened last night.
Siddharth - So listen, everything happened between us that happen between a young boy and girl 😉.
Avneet - WHAT?!

A tear fall from her eyes.

Oh shit! She is crying I think I have played alot.

Siddharth - Avu..avu don't cry.

I wipe her tears and cups her face and said - "Nothing happened between us like that".

I told her the whole incident. She took the pillow and started beating me.

Avneet - You scared me.

I snatch the pillow from her hand and throw it away. I keep my hands on her waist and pull her closer. We were looking into each other's eyes. Then avneet breaks the eye contact.

Avneet - Umm..we have to go to college.
Siddharth - Ya! I m going home back.

After saying this I kissed her forehead and said - "Bye avu".

Avneet - Bye.

Then I went back to my home. I get ready and reach college. Currently I am in canteen with whole gang, I am just waiting for avneet. Then after few minutes avneet came. She walk towards us.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Avneet - Hi guys.
All - Hi.
Arishfa - Did you heard about the holidays?
Avneet - Holidays?
Vaishnavi - Ya there is 1 week vacation.
Avneet - OMG! That's amazing.
Abhishek - Ya and we are planning a trip.
Siddharth - So we hope you are in.
Avneet - Of course I am in.
Lucky - That's great.
Avneet - BTW where are we going?
Vaishnavi - We haven't decided the place yet.
Arishfa - Umm..What about goa?
All - Nice idea.
Vaishnavi - So I will book the tickets and villa.
All - Good.
Avneet - Guys I am having lecture, I will see you later.
All - Ok bye.
Avneet - Bye.

Avneet gets up from there and goes to attend her lecture.

2 lectures passed.

Siddharth's P.O.V

I was passing from library then my eyes fell on avu, she is alone in library. I thought of doing some romance with her. I enters in library and slowly walk towards her without making any noise. I back hugs her, I put my head in her neck and started sucking her soft spot. She moaned my name.

Oh so she recognized me. I hold her hand and turn her towards me. I pinned her against the wall. Our bodies were pressing against each other. I again move towards her neck, I started licking and torturing her neck.

She was moaning my name. I interwine our hands together and pinned her hands above her head.

I started placing wet kisses on her jawline to her cleavage. I was about to capture her lips with mine but she pushed me.

Avneet - Umm..I m having lecture, I have to go.

After saying this she goes from there.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Skips to afternoon
After college hours

Siddharth was standing in front of her college leaning against the car's door, waiting for avneet.

Then avneet comes outside. Her eyes fell on him, a smile came on her face. She walk towards him.

Avneet - Hi.
Siddharth - Hi...Let's go.
Avneet - Okay!

They sits in car, siddharth drives the car towards their home. They reach there and goes inside.

Skips to evening
It is 6 pm

At avneet's side


To be continued.

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