13. You are hella possesive!

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I am really sorry guys, I know I am updating after a really long time. So sorry for that.

Now let's continue the chapter.

Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Siddharth - Yours lips are so soft as I have expected 😉.

I blushed.

He was about to kiss me again but I pushed him.

Avneet - Your hand is bleeding, you need first aid.
Siddharth - There's no need for it.
Avneet - Sid!

I looked at him in anger.

Siddharth - Ugh..fine.

I takes him to medical room. Nurse was not there. I made him sit on chair, I took first aid box and sit in front of him. I takes his hand in my hand and I started doing his dressing. I could feel his gaze on me.

Avneet - Stop staring me.
Siddharth - Why? You are so beautiful and I can't stop myself from staring you, love 😉.

I blush and said - "Thanks".

Then I did his dressing.

Avneet - So dressing is done.
Siddharth - Thanks.
Avneet - Is your hand paining?
Siddharth - Not at all, cutie.
Avneet - Good, then....

After saying this I slapped him hardly. He looked at me in anger.

Avneet - Don't look at me in anger, you deserve this.
Siddharth - Why?
Avneet - Becoz you fought with riyaz and you even beated him badly.

After saying this I gets up from chair and takes few step  but siddharth hold my wrist and pulled me back on chair.

Siddharth - I will take revenge of it when we will be in bed.

After saying this he peck my lips and goes from there. I also goes to attend my lecture.

Skips to afternoon
After college hours

I comes out of the college and sees riyaz. He sees me and walk towards me.

Riyaz - Hey.
Avneet - Hi.
Riyaz - Come let me drop you.

Before I could say anything I felt a hand wrap around my waist. I turned and looked, it was sid.

Siddharth - I am here for her, you don't have to worry.
Riyaz - I asked her first to come with me.
Siddharth - But I am her boyfriend and she will come with me.
Riyaz - You...

I cuts them in between - Guys stop!!

Both became quite.

Avneet - I am not a kid that I need someone to take me home, I can go by myself.
Siddharth - Come on avu I am here to drop you.
Riyaz - I asked her first so I will drop her.
Siddharth - She is my girlfriend.
Riyaz - But...

I cuts them again - Shut up guys!!

Both became quite.

Avneet - I am going now, bye.

After saying this I goes from there.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

At siddharth's side

Siddharth's P.O.V

Siddharth - Becoz of you my girlfriend went home alone.
Riyaz - She is not your girlfriend. She doesn't love you.
Siddharth - She loves me!
Riyaz - Oh really?
Siddharth - Yes!
Riyaz - Then why she kissed me?

I became silent.

Riyaz - She likes me that's why she kissed me...And the truth is her first kiss was with me not you and you can't change it.

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