14. Officially in a relationship ❤

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Skips to afternoon
After college hours

I comes out of the college and sees siddharth standing with his car, leaning against the car's door. I walk towards him.

Avneet - Hey sid.
Siddharth - Hi...Let's go.
Avneet - Sure.

We sits in his car and he drives the car towards my home. We reached there in few minutes.

Avneet - You should come inside.
Siddharth - No, it's fine.
Avneet - Sid pls.
Siddharth - Fine.

We goes inside. I goes in kitchen to make lunch. Siddharth goes and stands behind me and hold my hand from behind and put his chin in the crook of my neck and started cutting vegetables. His hot breaths were falling on my neck. I was shivering due to his touch.

Siddharth left my hands and slides his hands from my arms to my palm. We were lost in the moment. He hold my palm and turn me towards him.

I collied with his chest. We were lost into each other's eyes. He left my palms and keeps his hands on my waist. I keep my hands on his chest.

He picks me up and made me sit on kitchen counter. He move towards my lips and capture my lips with his. We started smooching each other's lips. I wrap my legs around his torso.

He pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. I keep my 1 hand around his neck and with the other one I start caressing his hairs.

We breaks the kiss after 5 minutes. He move towards my neck and started sucking my soft spot. I moaned softly.  He left a hickey on my neck.

He started placing wet kisses on my jawline to my cleavage. I was moaning his name. My house was filled with my moans.

I started opening button of his shirt and throw it away. I move towards his neck and started sucking and licking his soft spot. He moaned my name softly.

He again move towards my lips and we started smooching each other's lips. We breaks the kiss after 5 minutes and rested our foreheads together. We were breathing heavily.

Siddharth - I love you, avu.

I really don't know what got into me that I said - I..I love you too, sid.

He looks at me, he was shocked and happy both.

Siddharth - What did you just said?
Avneet - I love you too.

Yes, I love him.

Siddharth - Finally we are officially in a relationship.
Avneet - Yeah!

He quickly capture my lips with his, we started smooching each other's lips. He keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer to deepen the kiss. I keep my 1 hand around his neck and with the other one I start caressing his hairs. We breaks the kiss after 5 minutes.

Avneet - Sid.
Siddharth - Hmm?
Avneet - I need to make lunch. Pls go and sit in hall.
Siddharth - But I want to help you.
Avneet - Ya I saw how much help you were doing right now.
Siddharth - Come on avu I was helping you.
Avneet - Ya by making out with me?!
Siddharth - So what? I was making out with my girlfriend.
Avneet - Sid go and let me make lunch. Pls.
Siddharth - Okay!

He pecked my lips and goes in hall. I made the lunch and we eats it. We talked for few minutes then siddharth goes back to his home.

Skips to next day
In morning

I wakes up, get ready and goes to college. I reached there and goes inside. I goes in library, there was no one except me. I was standing there reading a book then someone hold me from behind. That person wrap his hands around my waist. I recognize the touch, it is sid.

Avneet - Good morning, sid.
Siddharth - Good morning, sunshine.

He slides his hands from my arms to my palm. We were lost in the moment. He hold my palm and turn me towards him. He keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer. I keep my hands on his chest. We were looking into each other's eyes.

He move towards my lips, I close my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine. Then our lips met, we started smooching each other's lips. He picks me up and made me sit on a table. I wrap my legs around his torso and pull him closer. We breaks the kiss after 5 minutes.

He move towards my neck and started sucking my neck. I moaned softly. He started placing wet kisses on my jawline to my clevage. I moaned loudly. He again capture my lips with his, we started smooching each other's lips. We were kissing each other then door of library opened. We breaks the kiss and look towards the door. It is riyaz.

God! What he will think about me now?

Riyaz - Umm..I am sorry.

After saying this he goes from there.

I quickly gets up from the table and was about to go behind him but siddharth hold my hand and pulled me closer. I collied with his chest.

He capture my lips with his, we started smooching each other's lips. I breaks the kiss after few seconds and said - "I will see you later, sid".

I peck his lips and goes from there. I goes to search riyaz. I sees him in canteen and goes towards him.

Avneet - Hey.
Riyaz - What are you doing here? Go and make out with siddharth.
Avneet - I want to tell you something really important.

I think I should tell him about mine and sid's relationship.

Riyaz - What is it?
Avneet - Sid proposed me yesterday and I said yes.

He looked at me in shock. I could tell by his expressions that he is hurt.

Riyaz - What do you mean?!
Avneet - Riyaz I love him.
Riyaz - What about me?

I became silent for a minute then I said - "You are my really good friend".

Riyaz - If I am your only good friend then why you kissed me?
Avneet - It..it was becoz of the heat of the moment. Nothing else.
Riyaz - So you don't have any feelings for me?
Avneet - No.
Riyaz - Fine.

After saying this he gets up from there and goes. I think he is hurt.

Skips to afternoon
After college hours

I comes out of the college and sees siddharth standing with his car, leaning against the car's door. I walk towards him.

Avneet - Hey sid.
Siddharth - Hi...Let's go.
Avneet - Sure.

We sits in his car and he drives the car towards my home. We reached there in few minutes.

I hugs him, he also hugs me back. I breaks the hug and said - "Bye".

He peck my lips and said - "Bye".

I comes out of the car and goes inside my home.

Skips to evening

I was sitting in hall using my phone then door bell rings. I goes and open the door and sees siddharth. He was standing with a boquet of rose.

Siddharth gives me a bouquet of roses and said - Hey beautiful.

I blush and said - "Hi".

Avneet - Come inside.

We enters inside. I smells the rose, it's amazing. I keep the bouquet on table.

Siddharth - Get ready we are going out.
Avneet - Where?
Siddharth - We are going on a date.
Avneet - A date?
Siddharth - Yes! Get ready fast.
Avneet - Okay!

I goes in my room and change my clothes and did a little bit make up and comes out of the room.

I am excited for the date!


To be continued.

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