8. I don't like restrictions at all!

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Siddharth - There's no one here.
Avneet - I told you na that I m just tired.
Siddharth - Sure?
Avneet - Yes!

I walk closer to him and keep my hands on his chest. He keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer.

Avneet - Sid I need rest, I m tired. We will meet tomorrow in college. Pls.

We were looking into each other's eyes.

Siddharth - Fine.

I removed my hands from his chest and step back. He kissed my forehead and goes out of my home. Thank god he didn't saw riyaz here.

I walk towards bathroom and knocked.

Avneet - Riyaz its me.

He opened the door.

Riyaz - Who was at the door?
Avneet - Sid...Now leave before someone else come.
Riyaz - Okay!

Riyaz goes from there.

Skips to next day
In morning

I wakes up, get ready and reach college. I was walking in corridor then a guy came to me.

Guy - Hi.
Avneet - Hi.
Guy - You are Avneet Kaur, right?
Avneet - Yes!
Guy - Actually I am Ahan Malhotra, new here. Actually professor told me that you are the only student who attend all classes so I need notes. Will you please give me?
Avneet - Ya sure.

I takes out my notes from my bag and forward my hand to give him. He was also about to take it but siddharth came there, hold my hand and drag me from there.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Siddharth's P.O.V

I was walking in corridor then my eyes fell on avu, she was talking to a guy. How can she talk to him? Why can't she stay away from any guy here?

I walk towards her, hold her wrist and drag her in an empty room. I close the door and turn towards her. I started stepping closer to her. She also started stepping back until she hit the wall. With both of my hands I block her way of going.

Avneet - S..sid w..what are you doing?
Siddharth - Stay away from any other guy here.
Avneet - But sid....

Siddharth cuts her in between - "I said na, just stay away from any other guy here".

Avneet - I will not.
Siddharth - Why?
Avneet - Because it's my life and I will decide to whom I should talk with or not. I don't like restrictions at all.
Siddharth - For me avu can't you follow some rules.
Avneet - Keep your fucking rules with you. I am done now. Yesterday you also fought with riyaz just becoz I went on a date with him. I can't do this and can't take it anymore. Just leave me alone.

She pushed me and started walking towards the door but I hold her hand and pinned her against the wall. Our bodies were pressed against each other.

Siddharth - Don't you even dare to push me. Got it?
Avneet - No....Siddharth just leave me alone.
Siddharth - I will not leave you alone. I cannot leave without you. I will not let you go away from me. Can't you understand a fucking thing that YOU ARE MINE.
Avneet - I am not yours.
Siddharth - You are.
Avneet - No, I am not.
Siddharth - Yes you are and stay away from any guy here or else consequences will be really bad.
Avneet - What you will do, huh? You can't do anything.
Siddharth - Oh so you want me to show you demo. Fine, come with me.

I hold her wrist and started walking towards the door. She gets out of my hold and said - "Sid you are not going to do anything to ahan".

Siddharth - You will get to know it soon, avu. Come with me first.

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